TECHNOLOGY – GOD GRACE OR DEVIL IN DISGUISE Technology serves - TopicsExpress


TECHNOLOGY – GOD GRACE OR DEVIL IN DISGUISE Technology serves today’s lifestyle in many ways. Today’s inventions are so amazing that it would burst a normal human mind and that is its greatness. Technology has mesmerized every single soul present on this earth. The inventions of cell phones, vehicles, internet and medical facilities have made our life easier and provide comfort to all. Everyone will agree to it that it is beneficial as it resolves our day to day problems. But we cannot ignore this fact that technology harms the environment and degrades it. Also excessive use causes alienation among people. So the basic questions that arouse in our mind: Is technology god grace or devil in disguise. The very first point which I would like to start with is about medication. It has changed the whole scenario of our life. Advances in medicine has blessed us with long lifespan and enhanced our quality of living. The prime example of medical advancement is chemotherapy that can help cure a deadly disease called cancer. It presents a child a well as grown up another opportunity to relish their life. India cricket sensation ‘Yuvraj Singh’ suffering from cancer was cured by chemotherapy and given another chance to relive his life. Though medical technology has extended our lives but the other side of the coin is it has resulted in overpopulation. Most of you would not agree to it and I may sound harsh or may be wrong I am no god but it is an unwritten and un-thought truth. Technology from medical to communication all are expensive and only for rich. This incubates a sense of hatred in poor for the rich. People are now depended on medicines even for minor disease that would overcome by rest, meditation or yoga. Technology does help in curing disease but at the same time use of antibiotics are leading to superbugs that are resistant and deadly. Our life style is creating new medical problems from obesity to new strains of flu. Advances in communication technology have made us more accessible and communication between us more effective. We can now have a voice chat with our family, friends and whoever we want to in a blink of an eye. Communicating with parents and friends gives us mental peace and pleasure. It is indeed a boon but the only problem is the way youth handles it. Today it is a trend of keeping girlfriend and boyfriend. Youth even while studying text to their loved ones. Now the question arises is it not affecting their studies and acts as a tool that distract youngster from reaching their goals. Emergence of computers has made life easier and made everyday task more convenient for people. Television provides us with entertainment and help recover from our daily fatigue. The ill effect of television and computer is on children. It can interfere with children going outdoors and staying active. Children prefer playing video games, computer games and watching television, so are trapped indoors. It affects their overall physical as well as mental development. Now let us talk about the technology that is dominating on us that are internet and web technology. Internet and web technology provide us with information instantly. Just google about the particular topic and you get tons of information laid in front of you. Wow! We obtained required information easily without any stress. Yes indeed it saves our time and effort but don’t you think it is making us dumb and dumber. We simply do not use our intelligence to analyse, instead like an explosion that occurs in milliseconds we google about a particular topic and receive surplus of information. Researchers in favour of social networking sites argue that it increases person intrapersonal skills as we are able to communicate to people we may not otherwise talk to. On the other hand many experts have agreed that by constantly relying on technology to communicate our ideas, without talking to a person face to face will lead to diminishing of intrapersonal skills. To be honest both have valid points and are correct in their opinion. Whom should we support is and individual priority. The destructive technology that is weapon technology is certainly a curse to society. Guns, bombs spread terror in society. History speaks for itself, the nuclear attack on Hiroshima and Nagasaki of Japan in 1945 killed thousands of innocent people and civilians and Japan suffered its aftermath destructively. Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster in 2011 due to damaged reactors at a plant in Fukushima forced 100,000 people to remain displaced because of radioactivity near the plant. According to World Health Organization (WHO) report, due to nuclear accident there is 70% higher risk of developing thyroid cancer for girls, 7% higher risk of developing leukaemia in males and 6% more chances of breast cancer in females. Eastern Japan is still suffering the aftermath of the terrible nuclear accident. The atomic weapon is purely the ultimate inhumane and an absolute evil. I am no great personality or writer to give my verdict whether technology is god grace or devil in disguise. My primary objective was to put forward my opinion on both sides. Everyone has their own perspective and you all are intelligent enough to decide whether technology is a boon or a curse. NAME : MANTU KUMAR REG NO : 11201239 CSE (2nd Year)
Posted on: Thu, 19 Sep 2013 13:45:39 +0000

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