TEEN TITANS #4-6 by Tobias Christopher Tobias Christopher - TopicsExpress


TEEN TITANS #4-6 by Tobias Christopher Tobias Christopher continues his run on TEEN TITANS by giving us more of the same thing he gave us in the first three issues: action. If you like action in your fan fiction then this is the series for you. And Tobias keeps the story moving, thats for sure. Theres no lag time, no scenes of deep psychological instrospection or layer characterization. Just superheroes being superheroes. Not that theres anything wrong with that. A writer has to play to his strengths, whatever they are right or wrong and Tobias does that. Putting Ravage on the team is a welcome addition because she brings something to the series it badly needs: humor. Ravage gets to provide plenty of sarcastic snarkiness and it works. Humor in fan fiction is really a hit-or-miss proposition as the fan fiction writers who truly do know how to write humor dont write enough while the ones who think theyre way funnier than they actually are write way too much. I have a suspicion that Tobias has been a fan of Ravage for a long time as theres a naturalness to her dialog that I dont read in the dialog of other characters such as Jay and Vince, two characters who have a scene in #5 that made me wince at how awkward the dialog was. And Tobias gets major points from me in introducing the city of Dakota and Static. Its always puzzled me that the Milestone Universe and characters (along with the Amalgam Universe and the Tangent Universe) have never been used more by fan fiction writers. TEEN TITANS is an undemanding read, yes. But sometimes all you want in your fan fiction is just that. No, TEEN TITANS isnt a particularly innovative or stylistic read but it is an entertaining one so far and really, thats all it has to be.
Posted on: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 17:07:04 +0000

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