TEN Principles To Live by..! 1. Thou shalt not worry, for worry - TopicsExpress


TEN Principles To Live by..! 1. Thou shalt not worry, for worry is the most unproductive of all human activities. 2. Thou shalt not be fearful, for most of the things we fear never come to pass. 3. Thou shalt not cross bridges before you get to them, for no one yet has succeeded in accomplishing this. 4. Thou shalt face each problem as it comes. You can handle only one at a time anyway. 5. Thou shalt not take problems to bed with you.....for they make very poor bedfellows. 6. Thou shalt not borrow other peoples problems. They can take better care of them than you can. 7. Thou shalt not try to relive yesterday for good or bad ....... it has gone. Concentrate on what is happening in your life today. 8. Thou shalt be a good listener, for only when you listen do you hear ideas different from your own. It is very hard to learn something new when you are talking. 9. Thou shalt not become bogged down by frustration, for 90 percent of it is rooted in self-pity, and it will only interfere with positive action. 10.Thou shalt count thy blessings, never overlooking the small ones, for a lot of small blessings add up to a big one. Remain Blessed.. Succeed and Prosper!
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 08:35:06 +0000

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