TERRORISTS VS THE SECOND AMENDMENT ISIS wants you dead. You, - TopicsExpress


TERRORISTS VS THE SECOND AMENDMENT ISIS wants you dead. You, and your children, those school kids over there, and the cop on the corner. ISIS wants you all dead. And it has issued an order to Muslims everywhere to make you that way. Thankfully, most Muslims around here don’t roll that way, and your Paki doctor isn’t apt to go jihad and run through the clinic with an AK. But you never know. As almost every corner of the country has coughed up a wannabe terrorist or two over the last decade, the possibility of an attack in this country has been proven. Thankfully, law enforcement and intelligence efforts have kept anybody from going too haywire. The few who’ve gotten away have thus far been content to go over to Syria and Iraq and genocide people over there. But ISIS is calling militant Muslims to carry out lone-wolf attacks in the United States against police officers, members of the military, elected officials and just plain folks. The edict is clear: Kill infidels. And as we saw last week in France, some of these monsters are answering the call. That’s not a good situation. The bad guys are upping their game, and the good guys have to decide what they’re going to do about it. Certainly, the intelligence and law-enforcement communities will continue to be vigilant. That’s good, but it might not be enough. Which is where you come in. You, and the Second Amendment. “A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to bear arms, shall not be infringed.” The militia, back when the Constitution was written, was the men from town. Basically, any male between about 16 and 60 – who was able bodied enough to fight – was in the militia. That meant that if the crap hit the fan, and the alarm was raised, you and your gun were supposed to go straighten things out. The Founders considered the militia “necessary to the security of a free State.” That’s not the militia of kooky guys in camouflage running around in the woods waiting for the apocalypse, that’s the militia of men and women going about their lives and acting when necessary in the defense of the community. I’m not suggesting that we organize our own army to fight terrorists, but I do think that exercising the right to keep and bear arms – especially if done by people in great numbers – could serve as a defense against terrorist attacks. Certainly, nothing will be completely effective, but everything can help. My suggestion is that those Americans who can legally carry a handgun do so. And those who don’t have the necessary license get it, so they can exercise that option. If you are a permit holder, carry. If you’ve gotten out of the habit, or never truly got in it, change your ways. If you don’t get much opportunity to shoot and maintain proficiency, switch your priorities around and attend to that. And be prepared, should fate put you in a position to act, to engage and rebuff terrorists. Not as vigilantes, not as over-zealous goofballs sticking your nose where it doesn’t belong, not as George Zimmerman retreads, but as simple, law-abiding, determined Americans. Last week, Muslim terrorist gunmen walked into a workplace and a grocery store spewing death and misery in their wake. Their victims were defenseless against them and many were put to a horrible death. In that position, you might be able to fight back. In this country, you might be able to save yourself and others. But like the saying of the Old West goes: Better to carry a gun for 20 years and never need it, than to need it for five minutes and not have it. In some parts of the country, it is not uncommon for people to carry rifles or shotguns in their vehicles. Where legal and practical, having a long gun handy could be a very useful thing. If the jihad boys come over here, they are going to be looking for trouble. The Second Amendment lets you be prepared to give it to them. The militia – you – may be necessary to the security of a free state. That’s why you have the right to keep and bear arms. And I suggest more of us start exercising that right. The terrorists have put out their call to arms. They want to kill us and our children in our homeland. We have to be prepared to stop them. We’re not cops, but we are Americans. And if they want to come after us, they might have their hands full. America is an armed society. And ISIS would be wise to consider that before it sends any jihad boys over here. Bob Lonsberry © 2015
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 05:14:52 +0000

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