TESTIMONY FOR THE GLORY OF GOD SISTER GOT BLESSING OF CONCEIVING A CHILD AFTER SIX YEARS IN THE CHURCH OF SIGNS AND WONDERS SHE WAS HAVING THE DISEASE P.C.O.S ( POLY CYSTIC OVARY SYNDROME )DUE TO THAT SHE WAS UNABLE TO CONCEIVING A BABY BUT WHEN SHE CAME TO CHURCH REGULARLY AND SHE RECEIVED THE PROPHECY OF BABY AFTER RECEIVING PROPHECY SHE BLESSING OF CONCEIVING A BABY LET US READ IN DETAIL. This sister is giving the testimony about the blessing of conceiving a child. She is married from 6 years but she was lacking the blessing of a progeny. She was having no child since six years and due to it she was very much disturbed in her life. She went to many doctors and at last it was found that she was having the disease P.C.O.S (Poly cystic ovary syndrome). Due to this disease her weight was continuously increasing and she was gaining hairs on her face. She was having cysts in both the ovaries and as a result her pregnancy progress was impossible. Doctor advised her that she has to lose her weight for pregnancy. She was in continuous treatment for six years but nothing was beneficial. Then one of her relative told her about the church of signs and wonders. She came to the church for the first time on 14th November 2013 with faith. During the prayer service Man Of God Pastor Ankur Narula prophesied that, “There is a lady who has no child, God is touching her and blessing her with the baby. This prophecy may surely come true with the testimony.” She received that prophecy for her with firm faith. She was regular in church, listen the word of God and the testimonies and prayed with faith. In the crusade of 28th November 2013 she brought her old reports in her Bible. Again Pastor Ankur Narula prophesied that, “In which ever test you may undergo, the report of that will be positive.” She received that prophecy with faith. And next day on 29th November 2013 she went for the test to the hospital and God looked upon her faith and her report is positive. And now she is pregnant from six months. She gives all the glory to the Mighty name of God for this blessing who can mold every impossible work to the possible. He is worthy to be Praised. BY:- CHURCH MEDIA TEAM
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 13:59:51 +0000

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