THANK YOU to everyone who has offered kind words from my post - TopicsExpress


THANK YOU to everyone who has offered kind words from my post yesterday about living with severe IBS. I am literally overwhelmed by the response! The image has been shared over 1400 times, 17,500 likes, nearly 4000 comments and been seen by 2.9million people! What has surprised me the most is actually how many people suffer the same thing and some of you MUCH worse than just IBS. I almost feel silly complaining when there are people who have commented on the feed who have Crohns, IBD, removal of part of the bowel etc.... I cant say too much more, I am pretty lost for words. Thank you to everyone who has sent me a private message. I will try to reply to everyone but it may take some time as I have received over 500PMs. A lot of people have offered recommendations on health supplements to take. Please understand I really appreciate the support but I have tried a multitude of products over the years, done years of research, spend hundreds of thousands of dollars in consultation fees with doctors and practitioners and have felt like an abused lab rat with the battery of tests I have done.... and honestly I am not prepared to try any more at this stage no matter how miraculous the product claims to be. I am under the care of a Prof Gastroenterologist and have the IBS as under control as it ever has been in the past 21years. Clearly it is still not perfect....But thank you again for the offers. For everyone who has emailed me asking for help with their own problems.... I have been VERY reluctant to offer advice as I am not an expert by any means but sometimes a small simple piece of advice can go a long way and if i can help just ONE person then I guess this is worth talking about.... Until next time... when my abs return for normal selfies and gym pics ;) ... to all IBS/IBD and gut disorder sufferers DO NOT GIVE UP hope! Continually look for answers and become a detective for your tummy. Be difficult when you order meals, make sure you get what YOU want to eat. Keep a food diary, research FODMAPS and other common allergens. Assess your lifestyle, stress levels, and sleep patterns. All of these contribute to an unhappy or a very happy tummy. Rachel xoxox
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 09:01:27 +0000

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