THE ADVENTURES OF SST THE DAY SST BECAME A FEDERAL MINISTER PART 4 And that was how when I got to Abuja I decided to look for a hotel room to lodge as against hooking at a friend’s place for my two days working visit. It was on the morning of the second day when I was preparing to return to my base at Kaduna that I got the phone call in my room. When I looked at the phone screen I saw it was a number not saved on my phone. I don’t like picking calls in the morning, especially from numbers I do not know, and more especially on a day I was in possession of some cool bucks. It frightens me!....Money seems to have some spirit of its own. Nobody will call you when you are flat broke. But the day money enters your pockets it will start attracting all manner of calls to you as if there is an invisible camera that broadcasts what’s hidden in your pockets to relations even far away in your village! I first ignored the call hoping that it was a wrong number. But the caller kept calling back. Whoever was calling was not about to give up and go away. As soon as I picked it the sound nearly blinded my ear drums. “SST! SST! Oh My guy SST!” his voice came out so loudly, I was scared he would wake another person on the next floor. Glad it was coming from a phone call! “Yeah? Yeah?” I stammered. I didn’t know what to say or who was even calling “SST, my guy long time, really miss you buddy!” “mmhh…..? please who are you please?” I asked cautiously. “Ha! SST, haba! You don’t know me again?” the caller was hollowing “Well, the weather is affecting the call ..” I started in a long excuse “SST, it is Dickson” he said at a good pitch. “Dickson?” I asked - not sure “Yes! Dickson now?! Your old school buddy! Dickson Amunu!” he shouted excitedly Old school buddy? How?! “which of the schools?” I asked…at this age u don’t expect me to have passed through only one school! “You sef SST! Secondary school now!” he answered. “What! Secondary school!” I exclaimed. It was strange receiving a call from an old friend from your secondary school days that you don’t know. But how did he locate me? Facebook? “But when last did we meet?” I asked curiously. “Don’t you remember anymore? At our graduation from secondary school now! Don’t tell me you have forgotten so soon!” he said with much familiar as if we live on the same street Forgotten so soon?! My colleagues from secondary school have children that are due to go to the university! “Yeah, but that’s rather long don’t you think so? About 20 years isn’t it?” I said. “But SST, you cant forget me, I was sitting at your right in the class” he said. It could be a long time ago, but my memory was not that foggy! “Hey, if I could remember, it was Kelvin Chukwu by my right in the class” I said confidently. But really I should not forget that, Kelvin was my closest friend at school and we still do communicate. “Oh yeah? Well, you know it was a long time ago, maybe it was the left! Anyway just call to say hi” he was still laughing at the top of his voice. Like a spouse seeking reconciliation with an estrange partner “To say hi? After all these years? Hey how did you get my number anyway?” “How did I got your number? Well, as you know what they say? Gold fish has no hiding place! Well just call to tell you I am missing you, I am in Japan now” he said Japan? That explained the weird number I saw! “Japan? That’s great” I said. “Yes, I am into the export business. Electronics….armoured BMW Cars….” He started on a litany of great products. Armoured BMWs?!...But what has that got to do with me? I am not in the ministry of Aviation! I couldn’t wait for him to finish. “That’s great but I am not in the import business” I told him. “no SST, is not that, just thought of you today, remember a lot of great nice things about you when we were at school and decide to send something down to you …I mean a little gift, if you can give me your account number I can wired it in the next twenty minutes” he said excitedly. TO CONTNIUE
Posted on: Sun, 01 Dec 2013 09:13:18 +0000

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