THE ASSOCIATION OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATORS IN ROMANIA (AAPRO) The Association of Public Administrators in Romania (AAPRO) was set up in 2010, as means to carry out sustainable activities following the implementation of the project “Public administrator – success factor for an efficient management at local level” carry out by the Central Unit for Public Administration Reform, a structure within the Romanian Ministry of Administration and Interior. In the last two years AAPRO carried out work in order to gather around - as a critical mass - all the public administrators in Romania and share common experiences, discuss best practices and tackle specific problems in the public sector and in the same time encourage other public local authorities to employ public administrators. So far AAPRO organized several events, seminars and courses for its members on human resources, accessing EU funding, project management, sustainable development, equal opportunities, strategic planning and on the role of public administrators in the public administration’s reform. In 2011 AAPRO set up as its short term goal to determine 50 local public administrations to envision in their flow chart the public administrator position, to sign partnership agreements with the Association of Municipalities in Romania, the Communes’ Association in Romania and with the National Union of County Councils. Furthermore AAPRO is set to make a proposal for the modification of Law 215/2001 (Law on public administration) and make it compulsory for all local administration layers to hire public administrators for an undetermined period, on solely expertise criteria, so human resources are available and can continue and build on the unrolling projects at local, county or regional level. AAPRO objective in the following period is to take the necessary steps in order to assign a national relevant, elite and professions Body of Public Administrators in order to have a clear image on the background data of the profession and become accountable for their professional conduct and development. At the beginning of November 2012, the Association of Public Administrators had had its second general assembly meeting confirming its leadership team, asses its activity and plan for new activities. The initiative to introduce the local public administrator position at local level in Romania targets an increse in the professional working of local public administration at the level of counties, municipalities, towns and communes. The public administrator can be hired at the proposal of the mayor or the president of the local county council, with the aproval of the local/ county council. The public administrator’s responsibilities are to coordinate the technical aparatus of the public administration and the public services of local/ county interest that are delegated based on a management contract. FLOREA MARIN PRESIDENT OF THE ASSOCIATION OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATORS IN ROMANIA
Posted on: Sat, 24 Aug 2013 18:04:49 +0000

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