THE BEST IS YET TO COME Sermon by Pastor Nkhosana Chongo Be - TopicsExpress


THE BEST IS YET TO COME Sermon by Pastor Nkhosana Chongo Be encouraged because the best seasons of your life are yet to come. Joshua did not become a leader overnight; however, under the instructions of God, he was encouraged by Moses. To encourage one involves inspiration and motivation, and the encouragement provided by Moses to Joshua led to the latter being a leader. Barnabas also embodied encouragement and this attribute came in handy when Saul needed to be connected to the disciples (Acts 9:26-27). Even when Paul had rejected John Mark, the same Barnabas took him under his wings (Acts 15:36-41). Interesting enough, Paul later requested the services of John Mark (who he had previously rejected). Through the encouragement of Barnabas, the purpose of God was established in the life of John Mark. What is that daunting situation which you are going through? Has it gotten to the point where you have stopped reviewing your written goals? Be encouraged and realize that the best is yet to come. The year might almost be over; but to God, thats not the case. I dont know what your pressing heart desires are, but be reminded that God (who knows every inch of your body) would deliver that which He has promised. God sees your shed tears, as well as every encountered pain; therefore, be reminded that He knows the plans which He has for you. He is not a wicked God but One who pleasures in the prosperity of His children. A life that is built on the right foundation will stand strong regardless of any circumstance. Be of good courage because Christ has overcome the world (John 16:33). Having accepted Christ as your Lord and personal Savior, you have every reason to be encouraged because, that which He has decreed over your life will definitely be manifested. While recognizing that God desires prosperity (and establishment of personally driven goals) for His children, it requires certain principles on your part to ensure that these goals and prosperity are manifested. One of these principles requires developing afresh the passion for the vision (which could be a personal, corporate and even one for the church). A lack of vision will cause a delay of Gods purpose in your life. The importance of a vision is highly emphasized in Habakkuk 2:2-3, as well as Proverbs 29:18. The lack or unawareness of a vision also causes energy and efforts to be expended in the wrong directions. Vision speaks of your direction and definitely defines your purpose in life. Even when God intends to propel you to the next level, He requires a vision from you. Have you written your vision as instructed by the Lord (Habakkuk 2:2-3)? Haven written one, have you embarked on measures needed for the visions manifestation? Dont be wrapped up in responses emphasizing that you are waiting on the Lord. Such a response is spiritual jargon, because God is actually waiting for your vision. The reason we (sometimes) fail to progress is due to a lack of vision; and without it, efforts are haphazard. This explains why people are (sometimes) blown in any direction of the wind (as dictated by society). Apart from being well established and documented, the vision should also be explainable. At Agape Word Center International Church, the vision is developing agents of change (who are disciple makers for the kingdom of God). How about a not well defined vision, such as a desire to be a great man of God? Is this vision explainable and specific enough? A great man of God in what areas? Be encouraged and dont journey into 2014 without a well established vision (which is explainable). In addition, actions (which would also require patience) must be taken to accomplish your vision (which has a specific timeframe). If your best is yet to come in 2014, you must remain pregnant with your vision. Another principle involves developing the mind to work (Nehemiah 4:6). Be reminded that there is no room for laziness in the kingdom of God. A mind developed to work overcomes all oppositions. Setting your mind to work will lead to gradual establishment of your vision. During the course of establishment; others may try to cause confusion and discouragement (Nehemiah 4:6-8); but be encouraged, and strive towards attaining the vision. We (sometimes) tend to be lazy towards implementing the actions needed for the attainment of our visions. For instance, are you (constantly) praying towards the establishment of your vision? Recognize that prayer (itself) is work, and some believers have developed a habit of having their prayers contracted to others. How are you sure that your contracted prayers are being worked on? If you intend to move from a level of mediocracy to that of excellence; be encouraged, and develop a mind to work. Another principle worth highlighting (briefly) is the pursuit of the spirit of excellence. Success does not happen overnight, and its granted to those who pursue excellence. By striving for excellence, you can expect to operate at your full potential which leads to promotions as ordained by God. If the best is yet to come in your life, its imperative to pursue and strive for excellence. Finally, walking in the Spirit is a principle that definitely requires your conformance. This principle will give you a desire for the things of God. This principle also develops a mind to work, and a spirit of excellence. Remember that anything that is devoid of God practically has no use. There are certain things areas in our lives which requires divine intervention, and it all starts by trusting God that the best is yet to come (as He has promised).
Posted on: Sun, 15 Dec 2013 21:45:00 +0000

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