THE BLENDING OF TECHNOLOGY AND EDUCATION By: Naveed Iqbal (From my Forth-Coming Book “INTEGRATING TECHNOLOGY IN EDUCATION”) The blending of Technology and Education today is irrefutable. If someone would dream of attaining unsurpassed development without taking the both along, would be living in a fool’s paradise. The nations, who have acknowledged their worth and are carrying them along, are making headway by leaps and bounds. Technology is moving frontward day by day. If we do not pursue the pace, no one can save us from leading the queue of under developed nations. The blending of Technology and Education not only makes the learning efficient, but also brisk. With the aid of technology, the pupils grasp the points rapidly as the contemporary technology enables us to back our teaching with the modern audio visual and other aids. Isn’t it a blessing beyond measure that the uneducated and deprived populace residing at remote areas is blessed with the current education teemed with up-to-date methods? Undeniably, it is, and only the blending of technology and education can make it achievable. Our population is increasing day by day. Let us be optimistic and take this increase as source of attaining development. But how can we? By making the access of technology based education possible for each and every member of the nation. Many would smile at this idea, but the trick of the trade is here. Although leading stepwise towards the achievement of the aspiration from a sound base would be magnificent, but if we desire to have some low cost swift achievements, we can go ahead by using the technology all and sundry has. No doubt I’m talking of Cell Phones. We can develop small applications or can instruct the mobile manufacturing companies to make educational applications based Mobiles. As games are there in each and every Mobile, instead of that why not include some educational programmes including Dictionaries, Natural Voices Programmes speaking for us the whole text in our desired dialect, Visual thesaurus enabling us to quickly grasp the desired best word for our ready use, mini International Phonetic Alphabet Talking Charts, visual Periodic Tables, basic Formulas, basic Equations solving applications, audio visual Holy Quran, historical Time Lines and what not. Making cell phones already installed with educational browsers having top educational websites of every field is not a bad idea too. Just a click can open the worlds of knowledge without any toil. Our main problem today is everyone is having a PC, Laptop, Tablet etc for themselves and for their children but what we lack badly is the availability of educational software in the market. When we visit a huge CD shop, innumerable CDs are there but the shelves occupied with Songs, Games and few PC Soft, and when we ask for some educational soft, few decades old Dictionaries, Learning English Programmes or some Literature based Movies are presented. That too in some top educational Soft Shops only. No doubt, every day in the world newest software and applications are being made. But common man here is not having a Credit Card or a Paypal account to purchase that. Our Government can purchase top Software of every field and can make those obtainable for the eager masses in the market. That would be a minor investment that would work wonders. It’s the compulsion for every institute seeking affiliation with any University etc to have a Library. The poor administration runs from pillar to post to collect books and the same books available in the market regarding education are collected and displayed. Isn’t it an easier initiative to put few PCs in the Library, network them, and make sections in the Server of every subject and put E-Books of every Subject in that which can easily be downloaded from the internet. What for these 3G, 4G technologies used for? Just for Video Chatting etc.? Just introducing these technologies is not adequate, guiding the masses how to use these for educational, productive and constructive purposes is more important. I can proudly say that we are blessed with exceptional and extraordinary brains that no other nation has, what we are deficient in is precise guidance. If guided properly, we are no doubt ‘Second to None’.
Posted on: Sun, 06 Jul 2014 04:50:10 +0000

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