THE BLESSINGS FOR OBEDIENCE AND THE END TIME ARMY: JUNE 25th, 2013. By Bro. Pius While I lay on the bed, the Lord showed me a vision. I saw the Lord in the cloud with an angel. He was happy. Holy smiles glowed from his face. The angel held out a golden vessel. The plunged his hand into the vessel and fetched golden confetti. He poured it into the air and the wave of the Holy Spirit carried this confetti to all over the world. It was pouring upon the saints all over the earth. I watched this all consuming vision as the Lord continued to pour the confetti into the air. Jubilant saints rejoiced as the confetti poured on their heads. The Lord said, "gift my servant for all those who are obedient to me. They are the ones I will use in this army of the last days." The Lord continued to pour the confetti into the air. With great anointing which caused stirring in the saints, they sprang into the air to meet the Lord. He personally laid his hands upon them. However, this confetti was not pouring forth on all saints . Some had their head bereft of the outpour. The Lord satisfied my curiosity, "I asked them to be obedient but they refused. How can I use the rebellious? If you will obey, I will pour forth this gift on you." The Lord called me, "Pius come up to me now." His words alone lifted my feet from the ground. With the golden confetti on my head, I rose slowly until I got to the cloud where the Lord was. He said, "My servant Pius, I cant use every body in this army. Only the obedient will be used by me." He went on, "Write down what you have seen."
Posted on: Wed, 26 Jun 2013 08:34:21 +0000

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