THE CALL OF THE WILD What I am about to share has been on my - TopicsExpress


THE CALL OF THE WILD What I am about to share has been on my heart for some time now. In fact, it was conceived in me, and Ive been carrying it for while as it matured within me. I will tell you this, it has been on Gods heart for some time now. The Scriptures of the Word of God are a collection of Gods Word as spoken to men and women of God, an outpouring of epic proportion as never seen before. But God never stop speaking to His creation, His children. That is us... you... me... others, gifted to hear His voice, His instruction, prophetically and revelatory. As an ordained minister in relationship with many believers across the world, I have spoken to so many incredible believers walking their spiritual journeys who have ears to ear, eyes to see, the voice and move of God. If this is you, this is for you. So hear my heart, and hear the Heart of God speak to you. Because Gods outpouring of the testimony of His New Covenant with Christ continues... this is a call for each of you, to journal, to write, to capture, and to share, publish and otherwise, make known, the Good News, the Gospel of Jesus Christ as He lives, reigns, and moves in and through your life and ministry, as He leads and guides you to do so. Each of us, the chosen, the called, are a diamond, a gem in His eyes... given the facets (Spiritual Gifts - five fold) of Christ, to shine His Glory through... as we show ourselves faithful in one facet, He just may enlarge that gem that is us, or increase the anointing, or He may add more facets, according to our destiny and spiritual DNA. If this hits you like a fresh breath of Heaven, like the Glory of God breaking on a morning sunrise sky with new mercies abounding, I release this to you as well... as my latest mentor released to me, though it may be known already, but for the benefit of the young of this gifting... God speaks to His prophets in many ways... in pictures, riddles, by audible voice, even through circumstances. Look for Him at work in all that you contend with, all that you embrace, and you will find Him... speaking to you... His wisdom, His knowledge, His Love, Grace and Mercy... in all His plural majesty. Notice also, the release of His wisdom in Proverbs, and even in the modern day prophets and disciples... apply that wisdom to that which God has revealed and you will find the keys that you need to unlock the mysteries of God to be His hands and feet, His Ambassador, as you woek the Gospel here on earth. It is no secret that God reveals those mysteries to family, to those whom He walks in intimate relationship with, the chosen, the called... to set captives free, heal the afflicted, win souls for the Kingdom and release evidence of His presence and Glory through signs, wonders and miracles. this is who we are, what we do, why we live... it is what we would die for... why we carry these giftings. Why mysteries? We are at war, in case you havent noticed. Dont like to hear that? Irregardless, war is upon us. We are born at war. From the day you were conceived, the war for your soul commenced. Perhaps thats why there seems to have been a storm round about you during your life, maybe even now. Because the enemy of God and man has seen the heavenly hosts round about you since the day you were conceived. god has given you a gift to see and hear the unseen, the unheard, that which can only be heard in the heavenly realm... and for a reason... because we are at war... for the work of the Kingdom of God. There is a place of honor to capture the move of God in and through your life and gifting, through your writings, through journaling. There is also a place of functionality. What i mean by that is this... today you may receive a picture of something you know God had a hand in... a piece of something greater. Next week you may receive another piece, a principle perhaps. The following week the person whom it all applies to has a few truths in their life but they are missing the pieces you now carry and when applied, they are set free and released into their destiny. But if you do not write journal for recall, they may be lost. You just may receive multiple keys for multiple situations, and each testimony, every Word of instruction He speaks to you, is a celebration of the Heart of God, the Word of God, at work in and through you, shared to encourage every believer... just as the Bible, the collection of books of Holy Scripture, is today. Jesus Christ is alive... today... now. The testimony of the New Covenant lives on... in you... in me. The treasure of the sacrifice the Father made, the public display of Love and Passionate Affection for us that Christ made... it is alive... is Christ in you... in me. This is the call of the wild, the Warrior Bride, filled with the life of Christ, fearless, equipped, empowered for battle... releasing the Word of God of today, as did the prophets of old in the past. -Todd L Thomas (from the book, Streams From Heaven, available soon at Amazon)
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 18:25:44 +0000

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