THE CHURCH BOMBING IN PAKISTAN 78 KILLED, 120 WOUNDED QUESTION How does Islam view the recent bombing of a church in Peshawar, Pakistan where 78 were killed and 120 wounded? Is it permissible for Muslims to embark on such actions which kill and wound people indiscrimi- nately? ANSWER There is no conundrum in Islams view regarding the commission of atrocities in which civilians unconnect- ed with the war are recklessly and indiscriminately killed and injured even if they are not innocent. Plant- ing bombs in places of worship, market places and other civilian institutions is quite obviously not per- mitted by Islam. This in a nut shell is Islams view. There are no two views of the Shariah on this issue. Elaboration for comprehension is not necessary. However, there is another dimension or a darker fa- çade to these kinds of atrocities which the kuffaar ad- vertise as Muslim or Islamic operations when in re- ality there is no relationship between Muslims/Islam and these false-flag atrocities perpetrated by vile, brutal, ruthless sinister forces who are enemies of Islam and the Ummah. Regarding these plots engi- neered by sinister satanic outside forces, the Quraan Majeed states: Verily, they have plotted their conspiracy whilst their conspiracy is by Allah. Most certainly, their plots can displace even moun- tains. In these brutal sagas, the attitude of westernized Muslims is indeed lamentable. In the bid to placate and appease the western kuffaar (U.S.A., U.K. and Co.), westernized Muslims whose brains have been colo- nized and brainwashed at western secular educational institutions, clamber on to the same stage of false- hood with the kuffaar to accuse Muslims as being the perpetrators of the false flag atrocities plotted some- where in Washington, London, Tel Aviv, etc. When the western scoundrels blame Muslims for the atroci- ties, their serfs and mental slaves (those Muslims with western colonized brains) accept such disgorgement as if it is truth on par with Wahi from Allah Taala. Muslims who are primitive and orthodox at heart, never perpetrate the kind of brutality and atrocity which the kuffaar are accusing them of. In this era of advanced technology, pulling of an atrocious stunt such as bombing a market place or a temple is a sim- ple operation. The outside sinister devils require the aid of only one or two corrupt persons bearing Muslim names. They may be drug addicts, or scoundrels just as their paymaster handlers are. Bombing a Christian church or a Shiah temple is executed for attainment of the objective of stirring up fitnah and fasaad in the different religious communities who have coexisted harmoniously for many centuries in the Muslim lands. The Shiah-Sunni conflicts witnessed in Iraq and Paki- stan, and Hindu-Muslim conflicts occurring in India (not in Pakistan) never were a phenomenon even a few decades ago. For centuries when Islam regained these lands, there never were such problems of reli- gious anarchy. These are recent developments spawned by the U.S.A. and Israel after the ending of the cold war era with the demise of the USSR. Muslims, due to their practical abandonment of the Shariah and the Sunnah, and their baboonic aping and emulation of western kuffaar culture, have all become soft and deranged in their brains. Their thinking oper- ates either lopsided on in reverse gear, hence they simply lap up all the filth and poison which the West disgorges for their consumption. Whatever rubbish emerges from the West becomes the inviolable truth for stupid Muslims. They simply accept that the church in Pakistan was bombed by an Islamic group whereas it is the satanic plot of outside sinister forces employing local kuffaar masquerading as Muslims. In Pakistans Intelligence agencies such kuffaar are readily available. For money, they sell and rape their own mothers. That is what the Pakistani shaitaani Intelligence agen- cy did to their mother, Dr.Afiyah who is today lan- guishing in a brutal American torture facility, having been sentenced to 85 years without trial. Every atrocity perpetrated by western sinister forces is heaped on to Muslims and Islam. Yet, Christians and Christianity are never blamed for the ghastly murder- ous atrocities which followers of this religion perpe- trate from time to time. When America and its coalition murderers maim, tor- ture, rape, and brutally kill Iraqi Muslims and Af- ghaani Muslims when they pummel whole villages from the air using even chemical bombs, when they pillage and plunder nations, then these stupid west- ernized Muslims with colonized brains are not swift to issue statements of condemnation. But when an atrocity is committed by U.S. and Israeli sinister forc- es in the name of Islam, then Muslims with colonized brains submit obsequiously to the false satanic propa- ganda churned out by the western media. For such fools and idiots, all followers of the Sunnah are terrorists who are blamed for these atrocities which are enacted by the western kuffaar conspira- tors. The profile of a terrorist in this era is a Muslim who performs Salaat, has an Islamic outer appearance, abstains from liquor, television and other haraam western immoral institutions and promotes Hijaab. This conception of a terrorist has plot of outside sin- ister forces employing local kuffaar masquerading as Muslims. This conception of a terrorist has been dinned into the ears of the Muslims with colonized brains, and ingrained in their hearts bereft of true Imaan. MUSLIMS AND ISLAM HAVE NO SHARE IN THE PER- PETRATION OF THE HORRENDOUS ATROCITIES WHICH ARE INCREMENTALLY BECOMING FEATURES OF THE WORLDS LANDSCAPE. THE WEST FOR ITS SURVIVAL DEEMS THE ENACTMENT OF SUCH ATROCITIES VITAL (The Majlis) by Jamiatul Ulama Gauteng
Posted on: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 11:34:33 +0000

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