THE COLD BLUE STEEL FACT ABOUT GUN CONTROL Lets cut to the chase, for decades now the communists embedded in our government have been methodically laying a foundation on which they plan to establish a Tyranny! As history clearly depicts, certain aspects of a Society must first be altered prior to erecting the final beams of Tyranny, which includes the disarmament of the people. During the 70 year time span 1910 - 1980 governments murdered between 110 - 220 million of their own people.............. after first requiring gun registration, followed by confiscation, and then mass murder. In an attempt by this administration to coerce the people into surrendering their guns they like to highlight the fact that approximately 11 million people die each year as result of a gun, not including suicide. Well, lets see, mathematically, it would take 9,000 - 18,000 years to reach the number of people murdered by communist governments in just 70 years!! Know this; there have been two major studies conducted pertaining to the issue of gun control and murder, one by Harvard, the other by the University of Massachusetts, very liberal universities indeed, however, both studies came to the same conclusion, the more gun control imposed on the people of a nation, the higher the murder rate! To demonstrate just how evil our government is, please note: The NDIC (National Drug Intelligence Center) which had been tracking gang activity in the United States since the early 1990s, providing law enforcement with vital information which were used in the fight against the growing trend of violent gangs, which in 2011 numbered over 33,000 gangs, 4,000 more than in 2006! Valuable Information wouldnt you agree? Yet President Obama, in 2011 sought to shut down the NDIC! Why? Because the last thing our government wants is for the people to know the truth, and will conceal any facts that amplify the necessity of being armed. Finally, the sole reason the Second Amendment was drafted stemmed from the Colonists refusal to sign the Constitution unless a provision was added which granted them the right to bear arms specifically for the purpose to take arms against the government in such case it attempted to establish a tyranny!
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 05:32:35 +0000

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