THE COLLAPSE OF THE OLD LEARNING TO BUILD THE NEW On every hand, the old system is breaking down. It fails to deliver even the basic needs of communities and the people. Yesterday a couple who rented from a private landlord were evicted after 15 years in their home. Last night their new address was a van at the side of the road. Joan Burton’s preferred system is not working for them! The agreed and deliberate withdrawal form social housing provision by all the establishment political parties created a privatised ‘Housing Market’ from which their rich pals once made millions until the bubble they created (and that’s the only way it works, folks) burst, and brought the whole ramshackle capitalist state economy with it. Of course, they still had to look after the interests of those they serve. So they made arrangements with the Troika to reduce worker’s wages, slash public services funding, smash up much needed infrastructure, and divert all this stolen money into the greed-driven black hole, deep in the pockets of their 1% master class. This money, taken from the people, is given directly to the 1% bond holders via their banker agents. Joan Burton’s preferred system is still working for them. Just about! But, perhaps, all is not that well? FOREVER BLOWING BUBBLES This morning comes the news that a new house price bubble is building up so rapidly that it’s already stretched to the limits seen in 2006, a year before the last one burst, crashing the Irish economy! But the global economy which then supervised the thieving and ordered failed ‘solutions’ to the 2007/8 crash, is now a greatly changed entity. Despite the daily up-speak of the, either uncomprehending, or more probably, totally delusional journalist/economic correspondents, the capitalist global economic system stubbornly stumbles towards a date with fate. France is broke, the southern European countries are mostly failed economies – and some in danger of becoming failed states! Even the once mighty German economy is now on the verge of systemic failure. There will be no Prussian white horse riding to the rescue of capitalism this time. When this new bubble busts, it will be just one pop among a loud cacophony of bursting bubbles. As we have been warning for almost a decade, the crisis resulting in the crash of 2007/8 – some Marxist economists call it The Great Recession – heralds a new moment of development within the historical functioning of the capitalist system, itself. As we have regularly pointed out, this is not just another cyclical bust with a new boom following close behind! This event shows new and distinct features which can be studied and analysed, and which mark it out as qualitatively different from the routine of the previous regular crises which were the pattern of the war-torn Twentieth Century, and indeed, necessarily, the intrinsic pattern of the whole historical development of the capitalist mode during the last 370 years or so. So what is to be done? BACKING A LOOSER All the Dail capitalist parties are one-trick-ponies. They ‘believe’ in the unfree, manipulating, profiteering, capitalist market economy, they ‘believe’ it is the only way in which the needs of our society can be delivered. The problem is it’s not delivering them at all. And when they talk about ‘recovery’, they only mean a recovery in profit taking, not a recovery of human comfort for families and workers, and not a recovery of the much needed socially responsible provision of our human societal needs. Just a recovery of ‘profit’ – the apparent quantity written on the bottom line after the 1% of system owners work their ‘magic of the marketplace’, trading and gambling as the latest bubble takes its enormous bounty from their broken failing processes. Once again, we must warn, this elite gangster-hood of Zillionaires and their vicious political agents, will stop at nothing to hold on to their worthless pieces of paper, by which they announce to all the people of the world that they – the 1%, have taken ownership of all this planet’s resources, and will sell them back to the people. But first, they will loan the people ‘money’ so they can participate in this process of robbery and resale. And of course, the other feature of this whole process now, is that the people must then return with interest, the money loaned. Even though they have been compelled to spend it all in the for-profit ‘magic marketplace’ to purchase the basic necessities of life. FACING THE TRUTH A little study of Political Economy reveals that the many contradictions here, develop their own history, and like everything else, capitalism has a beginning, a contradictory period of existence, and ultimately comes to its end. And out of all these contradictory processes, the emergence of new technology in human society, the education (consciousness raising) of billions of people across the globe, the crashing of the old systemic function in our time, there emerges an infinity of new possibilities and potential solutions. When Engels, Marx, and Dietzgen built the theoretical foundations of Scientific Socialism in the 1840’s, they were only able to do so because they had managed to uncover and reveal to collective human thought, the actual true nature of matter – of the mode of ever changing existence. They constructed a scientifically correct model of how the material universe functions – how change actually occurs, and of the relativity of matter and motion in all its forms. In establishing the relationship between this material world, and its reflection into human thought and consciousness, they constructed an accurate understanding of the intricate contradictions, the unities and conflicts of their opposing parts, of which all phenomena consist in their living existence. And so can we, now. It is this magnificent scientific method – the theories of material dialectics – the present pinnacle of achievement in human reflection and contemplation, which will be our winning resource as we are forced to confront this new debacle of function, this new and ultimate failure of a system which has reached its concluding phase. THE DEAD END ROAD The theocratic fundamentalists who ‘believe’ their savage brand of Sharia Law must be imposed at the point of a beheading sword, also, contradictorily, use the most modern technology as they conflict with their opposite, their fellow fundamentalists, the adherents of the Bush/Blair New World Order. They are no different from each other in their contempt for democracy of the people and scientific truth. Their mirror image, the fascist Apartheid State Terrorists of Zionism wage precisely the same vile genocide in the name of religious ignorance against the people of Palestine! However, true knowledge is power! And true knowledge will enable the emergence of true democracy. But this must be of the people, and worked for collectively and objectively. A NEW VOICE The mother of another kidnap victim has just used new technology to contact directly, and appeal directly to, the leaders of the Islamic State who hold her son. She has bypassed the capitalist state governments which she knows can do nothing about his detention. We can see in this, the immense potential power of new technology, to completely bypass the outmoded and increasingly redundant capitalist state government systems. To connect people directly. Daily, the spokesmen of capital propagandise the fiction of economic recovery. Just as they ‘discuss’ interventions in the Middle East – but all they can do is manipulate a new dictatorship, as in Iraq and Egypt, which will ultimately fail because their system is failing. This brave and desperate mother who has used the new technology to get her message out directly to those who hold her son, has a special message for us, too. She recognises that the world has changed in the last few decades. Changed utterly. And there will be no going back! Communities have the power to command and order their own affairs, and to create networks for change as this decrepit old capitalist way falls apart globally before our eyes. And they have the new means to embrace the revolutionary solutions which can end the collapse of the human world. But they need correctly informed leadership to accomplish these medium-term tasks. It is time for those who know how, to show how! This is not a question of ‘belief’. It is a question of understanding, and sharing understanding. The task for those who understand this, is to tell the truth within every community, on every strike picket, among every issue-based protest. The simple truth that the game is up for capitalism. That we don’t need the arrogant and abrasive elite who keep us in subjection. But this will require negating the sectarian divisions and rivalries which built up in earlier phases of the whole historic process. ANALOGY When Dorothy looked behind the curtain at that other ‘magician’, also one too scared to face reality, she found a small, fat, conman, manipulating a microphone to fool the people. The Wizard of Oz – a wonderful and politically conscious parable of our time! Collectively we must strip away the nonsense of the ‘magic of the marketplace’. Collectively, we must expose the con-job of capitalist hegemony. Collectively, we must strive together to develop the creative science of Marxism, so as to discern the sustainable solutions to the mayhem of a dying market capitalism. The future will belong to the people, guided by the truth of science. But we must learn how to lead them out of the present confusion; Learn how to give them the honest scientific method which alone, can find the viable way forward; Learn to put aside the ideologies of confusion which leave the worst of men in charge of the rest. V.I. Lenin, much maligned by the 1% and their well-paid liars of many stripes and shades, told us that if we are to call ourselves Scientific Socialists, then we must treat our subject as a science. We must study it. And when we study it, and thoroughly grasp the living relationship between the problems created by counter-revolutionaries, their system, and the new and revolutionary solutions potential as this process of social change occurs, we must tell it to the world. Not some manipulative watered-down version of knowledge, while reserving the supposedly ‘too difficult’ words and ideas for some elite few – but the whole truth. The people are not stupid, but some of those who want to prevent their full access to the truth may well be acting in a foolish manner, in their fearful hearts. And in denying the truth, they endanger the future. They must learn to go beyond their fear! Because it is a true reflection of the changing world, the concepts of dialectics will be quickly grasped and understood by the new and educated generations who now question the old ‘certainties’ as they become increasingly unstable. For dialectics is the mode of function of all scientific method, of the very digital technology which is the historic game changer of our time. The present platforms of power are crumbling, but they still have a sting in their tail. Let us deal with that poison by telling the truth – and then, by making it real. Let us urgently study Scientific Socialism and its historic social healing implications. Let us collectively take our courage in our hands and reciprocally, unite the revolutionary opposites of theory and practice to produce change. Time is not standing still! fh 28/8/2014
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 10:43:19 +0000

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