THE DIRVERSE NIGERIA ON THE EDGE OF CATASTROPHE It is seems impossible to make the people of Nigeria adhere to one religion, but it can be possible to make them live in harmony and recpects each others religion. Nigeria is a natural region blessed with multiple tribes and ethnic groups with different cultures. I say Blessed because diversity is a blessing but, if used properly. Our rich cultures are not meant to cause chaos in our social life neither meant to divide us but to define and Identify ourselves and appreciate Gods wisdom. God has made us naturally dependent and the rule is undeniable. Man must interact on the course of his living. I serves you and you serve me. They serve us and we serve them. That does not mean superiority, but interdependency. Moreso, Our cultures are the function of our physical world and social history. From Sokoto to Maiduguri Katsina to PortHarcot people wear different clothes, have different occupations, beliefs, norms and values, and live in different regions of different climates and landforms. During the pre-colonial times, the relationship that exist between societies serves as a strong rope that tired us together. But Unfortunately, today, unity rope has broken down, we are divided across tribal, ethnic and religious boundaries with the aim of achieving a selfish interest. It is worrysome, that people are nowadys tagged according to appearance, treated according to tribes and judged according to their economic and social status. In Short, our society is corrupt from all dimentions. I wonder the way people are deceived by 419ners. Our politicians are most of the time more dangerous than Ebola virus. They are gradually changing the peace we have bfore in our societies to violence. They label some people with bad reputations, your Agbada, Babbar Riga or whatever.... is no more considered a pride. Political and Ethno-religious violences are everywhere causing destructions. Is that the country we are buliding for ourselves and our children? Nigeria is ours and we must put hands together to determine our fate. Lets respect one another, be honest, be kind and generous to needy, preach peace and live an ideal and examplery life. with these, peace and harmony will be restowed in Nigeria. In conclusion, we have a powerful weapon in our hands. A weapon that can cause a peaceful change in a short time. If we wish, we can use it to fishout those people that are busy trying to barter the peace and rich cultures left by our forefathers with their divide and rule theory. Your Vote is a weapon...handle it with care and use it wisely. May Allah Bless Nigeria. Adamu Abubakar Kumo. 24th October, 2014.
Posted on: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 08:48:45 +0000

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