THE FEDERAL RESERVE IS A PRIVATE ILLEGAL INSTITUTION! The Federal Reserve System is a Private Bank (owned by the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Warburgs, and just a few other International Banking Families), that runs and controls our entire Money Supply and sets all Interest Rates, and then charges us compounded INTEREST, and for DOLLARS that are backed up by literally nothing... For PAPER! This is Unconstitutional! Some say Congress authorized it, but that too was illegal. Only a Two-Thirds vote by all of the State Legislatures can overturn any part of the United States Constitution, AND THAT NEVER HAPPENED! Additionally, many claim that per the 16th Amendment, TAXES on Personal Income (from a job) are also legal, but the Supreme Court has ruled that Taxes on Personal Income are not supported by the 16th Amendment and are in fact ILLEGAL, but Lower Court rulings, and enforcement by fiat, and lower courts refusing to allow SUPREME COURT RULINGS to even be considered, have propagated this LIE. If you think Im the one who is lying, then ask any government official to produce a single physical document of LAW that states, TAX ON PERSONAL INCOME IS A LAW, and not just rules and regulations made up by Congress along with the IRS! Ask them to show you the actual LAW (on the books), that says Personal Income Tax is Legal, and is indeed a LAW! They cant, because it isnt the LAW! I pay my Taxes, but only because of coercion by these Banksters, who have rigged the system, and ignored and even laugh at our real LAWS. If you dont pay up under such gangster operated terms, they will indeed lock you up, or at very least take away all of your assets. These are Gangsters, BANKSTERS, and they have ZERO LEGAL AUTHORITY -- NONE! THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM & TAXES ON PERSONAL INCOME ARE BOTH ABSOLUTELY ILLEGAL AND ABSOLUTE LIES! IF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AGAIN PRINTED ITS OWN MONEY, WITHOUT A PRIVATE CENTRAL BANK, WORLD BANK, AND BANK OF INTERNATIONAL SETTLEMENTS RUNNING THE SHOW: Our money supply would be INTEREST FREE, and our National Debt (by showing this to be illegal from the beginning), would disappear literally OVERNIGHT! Again, any such LAW: CREATING OR AUTHORIZING A CENTRAL BANK (The Fed,; The Federal Reserve, which is about as Federal as Federal Express or UPS), would require a solid Two-Thirds Yes Vote by all 50 State Legislatures to become LAW...AND THAT SIMPLY NEVER HAPPENED! This is all the TRUE, and what they are doing is all a gigantic LIE! Roads are supposed to be built by using Gasoline Taxes (legal), and Schools operate using State Funds by Local and State taxes (also legal), and our Military and Infrastructure is to be supported through CORPORATE TAXES (Legal), and nominal Sales Taxes (legal), but there is no provision in our LAWS or in our CONSTITUTION that authorizes Personal Income Tax on LABOR, or that allows for a PRIVATE CENTRAL BANK (such as The Fed), to operate within the United States Of America or control our National Money Supply! Wake up, fight back, and DEMAND ACCOUNTABILITY...AND AN END TO THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM AND PERSONAL INCOME TAX...NOW!
Posted on: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 22:52:33 +0000

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