THE GADAFFI YOU DID NOT KNOW! The hate through media and some - TopicsExpress


THE GADAFFI YOU DID NOT KNOW! The hate through media and some other means from the west and America shall continue on President Jacob Zuma, Robert Mugabe, Omar al Bashir, Yahya Jammeh, and Dos Santos after Gadaffi was eliminated. Their known crime is resistance and love for Africa: For that reason, Africans in general should be aware of any America and European sponsored political parties and presidents on African continent: Gadaffi was about to create a new bank in Africa for Africans just like BRICS which was going to put the IMF, World Bank and all other western banks out of business in Africa. For that matter, there could be no more predatory western loans used to cripple Africa’s economies. Gadaffi’s initial amount to invest was $42 billion dollars and the bank was supposed to be called; African Investment Bank which would be supplying major loans at little or even zero interest rates for African countries and companies which could break the western countries’ pillar of keeping Africa in its impoverished position. US and European influence on the continent were also crippled by the huge resources that Gaddafi was investing into African development. For many years Africa was depending on European satellite and we were paying $500million per year to the European satellite companies! In 20007 thanks to Gadaffi who proposed and contributed $300 million for the project, Africa launched the first ever satellite, which freed Africa from $500million per year in payments. Gaddafi did not stop there, he was leading the AU’s development of a new gold-backed African currency aiming to put more values to our gold and oil on the continent, which would have cut yet another of the strings that keep Africa at the mercy of the West. The sum of $42billion was already allocated to this project of which Gadaffi was contributing almost the whole amount. Gadaffi was funding many major infrastructure projects across Africa that have begun to link up African economies and break the perpetual dependency on the western countries which was a new direction for Africa and a big blow to the western countries. Furthermore, Gadaffi was demanding a compensation of tens of billions of dollars from the USA oil companies which have long been major players in the Libyan petroleum for the damage done to the Libyan economy by the USA instigated Lockerbie Bombing sanctions imposed by the UN security Council throughout the 1990′s into early 2000′s. This is based on the unearthing of evidence that the CIA paid millions of dollars to witnesses in the Lockerbie Bombing trial to change their stories to implicate Libya which was used as the basis for the very damaging UN sanctions against Libya. The government of the USA lied and damaged Libya so the USA oil companies were going to have to pay up to cover the cost of their government’s actions. Gadaffi became a big threat also when he signalled clearly that Libya and other Africa’s future economic developments more linked to China and Russia rather than the west which seemed to break a custom of Africans being slaves and savants for western countries’ economies as it is right now. African labour and resources has been always the key to western economic growth and infrastructures. Mohammad Gaddafi was also actively working hard to stop AFRICOM; the America’s army bases in Africa which were set up in the name of terrorism but it’s real purpose is scare, spy, intimidate, and control Africa’s resources and to prevent China and Russia from coming to Africa. African governments that were offered money by the US to host American army bases were typically offered double by Gaddafi to refuse it, and in 2008 this ad-hoc opposition crystallised into a formal rejection of AFRICOM by the African Union. Gadaffi (may Allah grant him a place in paradise) was killed for being a socialist, anti-imperialist, pan-Africanist and being on forefront of all moves to strengthen African unity and independence. NATO once again remained desperate to stop the inevitable rise of Africa on the world stage. Africans must learn the lesson from Gadaffi and continue resistance, the drive towards pan-African unity, and continue to resist AFRICOM. MY NAME IS WAHEED
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 05:10:04 +0000

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