THE GOALS OF ALL RELIGION The truth about SCIENTOLOGY and what - TopicsExpress


THE GOALS OF ALL RELIGION The truth about SCIENTOLOGY and what it means. ... It means knowing how to know answers. It can help you. It can help you assist those who are despondent*, ill or incompetent. Scientology does things. In a few evenings as part of a group, comfortably listening to a Scientologist of the HASI*, you can find new happiness, new vitality. The world can be brighter. In a few weeks of training, you, if you qualify, can become an elementary Scientologist,** capable of bringing health, ambition and youth to those about you. Not for two thousand years has the path for Man been so open, his future so bright. As Scientology is the process of knowing how to know answers, what answers can be known by it? The answers to anything in the field of human affairs, the answers to illness, to despondency, the answers to better reaction time and higher skills, the answers to threatened chaos and failure, indeed, the answers to life and death. In a few hours, a Scientologist can vanquish, in a person or a group, many problems. It is easy, with Scientology, to know how to know. Where did Scientology come from? Its story is a strange and compelling one. A young American, a third of a century ago, went to Asia, the birthplace of Mans wisdom, and there became an Adept*. He turned then from all thoughts of things of the spirit and gave himself to the intense study, in an American university, of science. His classmates were those men who today have given us an atom bomb, who have slaughtered thousands and who may someday destroy Man. He could not agree with such a program and he turned his back upon them and, through the years and through a long war, sought to apply what he knew of science and of India to the times in which he lived. And he gave to the Western world what he knew as Scientology, the way to know the path from confusion, from misery, from chaos. Scientology is a free translation into English of many earlier religious words - the Veda*, the Dhyana* - all of which mean wisdom. Scientology, in its ancient ancestors, gave us the Old and New Testaments. The goals of all religion is the controlling or the freeing of the soul. In any wisdom Man has called sacred, the worship of God and the state of the soul are paramount. Whether one is a Catholic, a Methodist, a Buddhist, his religion has stemmed from these concerns. Creed interprets the wisdom, the wisdom has always been there, giving credence* to the creed. Religion can be subdivided into (a) religious philosophy, (b) religious practice. Scientology is basic wisdom. It has no quarrel with any practice. Through it the soul can be freed in one lifetime. In America, our most fundamental concepts include a tradition of freedom. Our constitution, our Bill of Rights have, all of them, made the way open for freedom. America can use the technology of such freedom. Scientology is the way to freedom, a way prepared by three hundred and fifty years of tradition. You can be free. It is entirely your choice from what you wish to be freed. Scientology brings abruptly to proof all those things Man has contended for thousands of years - that Man has and is a soul and that when we neglect this there is only matter, failure and death. In Scientology we learn and can demonstrate that the materialist is lost. Knowing this and knowing how to know it, Man can be healed, Man can achieve higher culture and freedom. No Great Teacher in history, whether Buddha, Moses, Christ or the saints, has put forward other than the wisdom which would make Man well and free. Thus there is no argument between Scientology and creeds. Scientologists are ministers of various creeds and churches. The HASI is a religious fellowship, native to Arizona. The HASI and Scientology have their own code of conduct - it includes making no promises one cannot demonstrate. We do not talk or exhort* in Scientology. We act - and that action brings freedom and happiness and order into the chaos of mens minds and souls. Whatever you are, you have a right to know all possible wisdom as to what and why you are. We can all of us be better. Scientology helps us make it so with a greater freedom, a greater brotherhood for Man. - L. Ron Hubbard, August 1954 (This article can be found with The Golden Dawn Phoenix Evening Lectures.) * despondent: in low spirits from loss of hope or courage. * HASI: abbreviation for Hubbard Association of Scientologists International, the organization which coordinated and provided guidance to all Scientology organizations over the world and was the general membership group of the Church from the mid-1950s to mid-1960s. * Adept: someone completely skilled or proficient in the secrets of his art; an expert. * Veda: the entire body of Hindu sacred writings that contain the most ancient sacred recorded literature covering mans relationship to the universe and the endless pattern of birth, life and death. It is comprised of over one hundred books. The word Veda means knowledge. * Dhyana: in Buddhism and Hinduism, the practice of achieving spiritual enlightenment through meditation and yoga (a school of Hindu philosophy advocating and prescribing a course of bodily and mental disciplines for attaining liberation from the material world and union of the self with the Supreme Being). Dhyana means knowingness and lookingness. * credence: belief in or acceptance of something as true. * exhort: urge, advise or caution earnestly; give urgent advice, recommendations or warnings. ** A full Doctor of Scientology has had years of training and experience. [this is a footnote from the actual publication] © 2014 CSWUS. All Rights Reserved. Grateful acknowledgement is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce a selection from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard. L. RON HUBBARD, LRH and SCIENTOLOGY are trademarks and service marks owned by Religious Technology Center and are used with its permission. SCIENTOLOGIST is a collective membership mark designating members of the affiliated churches and missions of Scientology. Services relating to Scientology religious philosophy are delivered throughout the world exclusively by licensees of the Church of Scientology International with the permission of Religious Technology Center, holder of the DIANETICS and SCIENTOLOGY trademarks. Created in U.S.A.
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 18:23:18 +0000

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