THE IMMORAL, WICKED, AND DECLINING WEST IS INCAPABLE OF PRODUCING LEADERSHIP OF PUTINS QUALITY For the first time in my lifetime, I can say that I am proud of the Russian president in general, and especially proud of Putin in particular - and I had a chance to live through a slew of the Russian leaders, starting with Brezhnev (the end of 1980s were the happy times for me personally - safe, intellectually stimulating, and full of music and fun - but still, at that particular time Brezhnev was some sort of a clown, for my generation at least). Here we have it - in the last few years, Putin has become this sort of the world leader who helped his country to get out of the politically and economically dangerous swamp of the 1990s. Moreover, thanks to his wise international politics, Russia has become the moral leader of the world. Some people dont see it yet, some - dont want to know it, some others - like the criminal elite of the western world - make their best to demonize Putin, but it is getting impossible to hide the obvious - the wests own criminal deeds, their immoral decisions that affect the whole world and, furthermore, make this world as a very dangerous place to live in, et cetera. In this article, Paul Craig Roberts is at his best, as always. He writes about latest of Putins speeches that, literally, shook the world. Per Mr. Roberts, Putins speech at the 11th meeting of the Valdai International Discussion Club last Friday are the remarks of a humanitarian political leader, THE LIKE OF WHICH the world HAS NOT SEEN in my lifetime. Compare Putin to the corrupt war criminal in the White House or to his puppets in office in Germany, UK, France, Japan, Canada, Australia, and you will see the difference between a criminal clique and a leader striving for a humane and livable world in which the interests of all peoples are respected. At the same time, Mr. Roberts is pretty sure that the criminal Washington will make an effort to assassinate Putin. Scary thought!!! In my opinion, Putin is such a towering figure that WASHINGTON HAS HIM MARKED FOR ASSASSINATION. The CIA will use one of the Muslim terrorists that the CIA supports inside Russia. Unlike an American president, who dares not move among the people openly, Putin is not kept remote from the people. Putin is at ease with the Russian people and mingles among them. This makes him an easy target for the CIA to use a Chechnya terrorist, a Jihadist suicide bomber, or the traditional “lone nut” to assassinate Putin. The immoral, wicked, and declining West is incapable of producing leadership of Putin’s quality. Having defamed Putin, assassinating him will cause little comment in the Western media.
Posted on: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 23:19:01 +0000

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