THE LEGEND OF ROBIN HOOD This story begins in the year 1090, in England. The hero of the story is called Robin Hood and lives in Sherwood Forest, a large wood near the town of Nottingham. Robin Hood is an outlaw. His companions are outlaws,too. They live in the forest because they resist to the Sheriff of Nottingham and to prince John. Prince John is the brother of a great king, Richard the Lionheart. King Richard is far from England, because he is in the Holy Land, on a crusade. He is a very good King and his people love him. His brother, Prince John, rules England while Richard is in the Holy Land, but people don,t love nor respect him. Prince John is greedy and ambitious. He hopes that Richard will not come back from the crusade. _ I will soon become King of England! _ he says to his friend,the Sheriff of Nottingham. The Sheriff of Nottingham is a wicked baron. The people of his land pay heavy and unjust taxes to him. His soldiers are cruel and pitiless and rob the poor. Sherwood Forest belongs to the King and nobody can hunt the royal deer. But the people arre hungry and they sometimes hunt the King,s deer and are imprisoned for this. Robin Hood wants to defend the poor from the cruelty and the greed of Prince John. Robin is a nobleman, but the Sheriff of Nottingham has taken from him castle and his land and wants to kill him. so Robin has gone into Sherwood Forest and has become an outlaw. He is very clever and courageous and he has become the leader of the people who live in the Forest. The outlaws of Sherwood Forest are very good archers, but Robin in the best of them. He can also fight with a sword or a stick. When rich travellers pass through the Forest, Robin and his band ambush them. So the Sheriff of Nottingham decides to offer a reward for capturing Robin Hood. but Robin Hood is not afraid of the Sheriff. He says to his men: _ When King Richard comes back, we will figth o his side and we will defeat Prince John! _ Until then,we will continue to hunt the royal deer in the Forest.I am sure that King Richard will forgive ud! he adds. _ yes! _cry the men._ We have become outlaws to help the poor, not to rob them! One day Robin meets a tall and stout man on a birdge on the river. The bridge is too narrow for two people to cross it at the same time. _ I will cross the bridge first! So stop standing in my way!_ says the man.Robin doesn,t agree. The two men start fighting with their sticks. Robin strikes the big man and he falls into the water. Then he comes out and they atsrt fighting again. This time the big man throws Robin into the river. _ ah, ah! _ he laughs, while Robin tries to get out of the cold water. The fight goes on until the two men are out of breath. Then they stop and talk. _ i am looking for Robin Hood _ says the big man. _ do you know him? Robin laughs: _ Iam Robin Hood Who are you and what do you want from me? _ My name is John Little _ answers the man. _ I am here to join your band! _ All right Join ! you can come with us. But you are so tall and big that I will call you Little Join! _ says Robin. they laungh and walk into the Forest together. Then Robin blows his horn and his men come out of the wood. _ This is little Join! _ he says. _ He is very strong and courageous. He will help us fight King Richard,s enemies! _ Long live King Richard! _ cry the men. Soon a new man joins Robin,s band. He is a fat friar called Friar Tuck. He has a strange job: he helps people cross the river, taking them on his shoulders, but he asks them a lot of money for that. One day Robin goes to the river to cross it. At first Robin and Friar Tuck fight, because Robin doesn,t want to pay so much money. They fight with their swords. they are both very strong and the fight goes on for some time. When they are tired, they stop fighting. _ You are very strong _ says Robin. _ Come with me and join my band! _ you must be Robin Hood _ says the friar. _ I have heard a lot about you and your band. I will come with you, if you give me regular and generous meals! When Robin went into the Forest to become an outlaw, he left a girl that he loves very much. Her name is Lady Marian Fitzwalter and she is very beautiful. The Sheriff of Nottingham wants to marry Lady Marian, because her father is very rich. But Marian loves Robin and she runs away from her house to hide into Sherwood Forest. There she finds Robin Hood and stays to live with him and the outlaws. She becomes a good archer and she learns how to use a shord. Robin,s men call her maid Marian. One day Robin hears that Prince Join is going to pass through the Forest. He is on his way back from a visit to the Sheriff of Nottingham and is carrying an enormouso sum of money. When Prince Join arrives in the middle of the Forest, he sees two gypsy woman. One of them is holding a crystal ball. _ Do you want to know your future? _ they ask the Prince. _ We can see it in our crystal ball. Prince Join accepts and the two [women] go inside his carriage. _ You are going to lose a lot of money_ says one of the gypsies looking inside the ball. Than the two woman , who are Robin and little Join disguised as gypsies, tie up Prince Join and rob him. than they run into the Forest before Prince Join,s men understand what is happening. As soon as they are safe, Robin blows his horn. The men come together and they all celebrate the theft of the Sheriff,s money. _ Prince Join wanted to use this money to rebel against King Richard: now he will be furious and will do anything he can to capture us. But we will be safe until we stay in the Forest _ says Robin. A few weeks later, the outlaws stop a knight who is passing through Sherwood Forest. _ Give us some money for the poor! _ they order. _ I can,t give you any money, because I must pay a large sum for the rescue of my son, who is prisoner in the Holy Land! says the knight. When Robin hears this, he gives some money to the knight and they become friends. Prince Join wants to capture Robin Hood , so he organizes a competition in Nottingham. _ The best archer will a silver arrow!_ he announces. A lot of archers come to Nottingham. Robin Hood is one of them and his men hide among the crowd, ready to Protect him. At the end of the competition, there are only three archers left. One of them is Robin. The three archers are very clever, But only one of them can hit the small point marked at the centre of the target. Its Robin Hood , but this time he is disguised as an old men.Prince Join doesn,t recognize him and gives him the silver arrow. While the old man is going away, a voice from the crowd shouts: _ That,s Robin Hood! Catch him! But Robin hides in the crowd, surrounded by his men . In the confusion, he can escape and go back to Sherwood Forest. Unfortunately, two of Robin,s men are captured by the soldiers and imprisoned. The Sheriff of Nottingham decides to hang them. _ it will be a good lesson to Robin and his outlaws and if they come to free the prisoners we will capture them!_ he says. On the day of the executon, Robin goes to Nottingham. On the road, he meets the executioner, catches him, ties him to a tree, takes his clothes from him and puts them on. When he gets to Nottingham,nobody can recognize him, because the black hood of the executioner hides his face. Robin, s men are already there and are ready to take action. The Sheriff of Nottingham orders the executioner to hang the two men. The executioner, that is to say Robin, goes near the prisoners and cuts the ropes that tie them. Then he takes off the black hood and shows his face. The people cheer, _ Catch him! _ shouts the Sheriff. Robin,s men are ready : they open the gate of the castle and Robin can run with the prisoners. Then they close the gate, so the Sheriff and hid men remain inside. For some time. life goes on quietly in Sherwood Forest, until one day Robin,s men stop a men who is walking through the Forest. He is a minstrel and he can sing and play the harp very well. _ my name is Alan _a_ Dale_ he says _ I am very sad, because the girl I Love will marry the brother of the Bishop of Hereford this afternoon! _ We will help you 1 _ say Robin. Robin Hood, Little Join and Alan_a_Dale go to the church. When the ceremony begins, they ask the girl:_ Do you want to marry that man? _ no_ answers the girl. _ I want to marry Alan_a_Dale! Then they take out their swored and Alan _a_Dale and the girl can get married. After the ceremony, they all go to the Forest and celebate with Robin,s band. The minstrel and his wife decide to live in Sherwood Forest. A few months later, Robin hears that King Richard has come back to England, but nobody knows where he is. One day Robin and his band ambush the Bishop of Hereford who is crossing the Forest with some men. There is also a tall pilgrim with them, sum of money and a letter from Prince Join to the Sheriff of Nottingham . The letter contains instructions for the rebellion to King Richard! When Robin reads the letter aloud, the tall man disguised as a pilgrim takes off his hood and shows his face:He is King Richard! _ Ihave come back to restore peace and justice and Robin Hood and his men will help me!_ says the King. Prince Join, the Sheriff of Nottingham and all the King,s enemies are arrested. Robin Hood can go back to his castle with Marian :the other outlaws go back to their homes, too Now that the King has come back, there is no more danger for Robin,s men . The King is very grateful for their help and they can hunt the royal deer freely! THE END shakaib nauman
Posted on: Wed, 12 Jun 2013 13:34:46 +0000

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