THE MALAWI PROPHECY UP TO 2016 (AMOS 3:7). REMINDING OUR NOVEMBER 12, 2011 PROPHECY: Im delivering this prophecy from the vision i had on Wednesday, September 5, 2012 and was delivered during our Sunday Prophetic Service of 9 September 2012 at Music Crossroads Centre, Area 23, Lilongwe, Malawi. On 12 November last year i gave a prophecy of what would happen in Malawi in 2012, and when this prophecy was fulfilled and the new govt came in i also foretold Malawians what would follow thereafter. During my prophecy i said Malawi would experience what i called Transpient Change ( a change for a short period of time) which is exactly what is happening now. But the question is: What does the Malawi future holds? OCTOBER TO DECEMBER 2012: There will be 2 more devaluations taking place secretly as there has already been other devaluations that took place secretly but people will not know this until the time of campaign when politicians who will break away from the party will begin to reveal in their rallies and this year will end up in chaos with unnecessary deaths, robbery, increased strikes, accidents and unexpected firings from positions. 2013-2014 IN GENERAL: According to what i saw, things are going to be worse than that with the former govt to the point that the ruling party will be divided into 3 parts; one will be led by the highest member who will be fired by peoples voices + pressure, one by the leader herself and the other one will be led by the Northerner. And i saw like the highest member of the party quitting and he begun talking against the party and revealed some of the secrets they used to change the faces on money and replaced the face with heroes of freedom of the past instead of one face that was planned to be there. According to the vision, by 2014 the party will completely contain new leading faces with one leading minister who will be made vice-president during elections. There will be demonstrations in 2013 like it has never been before, organised by northerners to oust the government or to quit to the point that i saw the leader collapsing and the leader was seen in Nigeria. Foreign countries will intervene pleading with people to just hold their peace saying elections are near and the people almost listened. According to the vision, 2014 elections will be the worst of all elections happened in Malawi because i saw something like counting again, like re-elections because 3 political parties will clash claiming each of them has won and this will be dangerous resulting in others loosing lives. BUT WHO WILL WIN? After battles of recounting, i saw a face, but this one has just changed his denomination for political reasons, the party was once in power and its coming again but with struggles but this will only change things for a year but then he will promote the worship of Satan. But i saw the vice-leader changed in 2013 and he joined the party that will win and the one who was the vice i saw him fired in 2013 and was not replaced by the one many people are expecting or suggesting but this vice will be somebody who abandoned the party he founded himself because i saw the party being scattered in 2013 with many high members quitting as i said already before, and unnecessary changes of positions next year. TWO BIG DEATHS: And then i also saw Malawi and another Western country in sorrow. This is terrible! This another big sorrow in Malawi but it was after he was declared well, its sudden! But this foreign death is very affecting because it has actually already happened though he is still breathing. His death is the most terrible in his country because i saw like the same as what happened in Malawi , the only difference was that there will be another elections demanded while others will say no need there is already a companion and in this case it will not be the vice president taking the presidency like i prophesied it would happen with Malawi, but it will be a different politician taking over after elections, he is old and at least this one will bring back the value of the local currency. His death will be announced after a week upon arrival from out that he was taken to for treatment. All i have to say about this is: Lets pray & intercede for our nation, Malawi and other countries to the West of Malawi, God should have mercy on us, comfort and guide us through this period. If you want to prove what i prophesied last year concerning this year, 2012, just go down this wall to 12 November 2011 and witness that God is as well using not only foreign prophets but also local prophets for His glory. Share this prophecy with others so that we can stand together in prayers for our Nation - 2 Chronicles 7:14. and the Angel of the Lord warned me.....let all Malawians know this so that they can stick to their salvation or get one if they have not yet confessed the Lordship of Jesus Christ, its just signs if end time..... For more prophetic updates search for our page(Prophet Austin Liabunya and Winning Life Ministries). Prophet Austin Liabunya, Malawi.
Posted on: Mon, 12 May 2014 14:41:06 +0000

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