THE MEDIA SPIN WORKS WITH THE MIND CONTROL, I watched this video, - TopicsExpress


THE MEDIA SPIN WORKS WITH THE MIND CONTROL, I watched this video, this was clearly murder, they are using brainwashing to convince people otherwise: How is the black community going to feel safe after this; if I were them, I would be afraid to even walk outside. As a white guy, it looks like the police can kill a black man anytime they like, and never worry about any indictment. This has to stop, and the police need to be immediately disarmed back to domestic guns and gear.. And we need police that are not cowards because that is what this is, they are so afraid they are going to get hurt. they kill out of fear. And that is the hard and cold truth about this tragedy that no one is talking about. Human emotion, weak people with guns. Who ever is training the police, is training them wrong. They need a complete psychological check up. From an outside professional, not an insider. We do not need crazy people on the street with guns. And the militarization has to stop now. And all the Militaryequipment needs to be sent back. I know for a fact the media is also using powerful mind control,Alpha Waves to keep everyone calm; in this way, they can get away with whatever they want. Here is proof and the word IS they have perfected this mind controlling machine they wield through the networks and phones. Not to mention the selected jury, this is so outrageous, is this Old England? The Truth About Television (YOU ARE BEING BRAINWASHED!) https://youtube/watch?v=P8lncNdBzDA We should teach the police Kung-fu. Then they will have more confidence and they can learn to bring down assailants with no harm to them. I watched this video: https://youtube/watch?v=Y1DKXpZ7En8 - this was clearly murder, they are using brainwashing to convince people otherwise. The Alpha Waves and the media spin sway everyones opinion, and the public has no idea it is happening (MK-ULTA-MIND-CONTROL-CIA). I do not watch TV, so I am not affected. . And if I have to, I only listen, do not look at the screen. This was excessive force absolutely, they killed Mr. Garner without and ambiguity. If you CANNOT see this, you are obviously watching TV. Dont forget the media acts like they care, but that is all part of the act and spin to comfort the masses to think they really care and are trying. What I see that is disturbing, in the under belly of this, is it appears our government and media are trying to start and insight rioting so they can lock down the nation into Martial law. Yours truly, Stephen Paine The Truth About Television (YOU ARE BEING BRAINWASHED!) https://youtube/watch?v=P8lncNdBzDA Noam Chomsky - Propaganda & Control of the Public Mind https://youtube/watch?v=gHU2AVc The CFR Controls American Media https://youtube/watch?v=QJNgm4kM24s [CFR]:Media Controlled and Manipulated by Corporate (3 of 3) https://youtube/watch?v=h3eHjy-Ameo I had written this prior: note* They murdered Michael Brown in cold blood in the street and I believe they used mind control to sway the public opinion. I do not watch TV, so I can see the mind control. There are so many inconsistencies with this case. When people go along with insanity and lies it is very clear the brainwashing is going on. And it is most of the public, anyone watching TV is under mind control whether they will admit it or not. I believe they did it on purpose as a test to see if they could get away with it. Something in this entire case stinks. So if your getting your news from TV, either MSNBC, FOX CNN etc.. you are under the medias i.e. the governments control period. If you think your not, your lying to yourself. I saw them lie right to the public and the crowd just stood there in a trance with a blank look on their face. There using these Alpha Waves against us.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 23:02:23 +0000

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