THE MOST AMAZING SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA IS PLAYING RIGHT NOW There is within me and everyone that most precious, perfect, and vital part which goes by many names. That Life Force or Innate Intelligence as we chiropractors call it is pulling in my next breath. It is pumping blood to 60 to 100,00 miles of blood vessels and capillaries and maintaining the proper tone in every voluntary and involunatary muscle in my body. It is keeping me from overheating or overfreezing. The amount of coordinated functions happening in my my body right now is mind blowing. That Supreme Intelligence within is like a conductor of a symphony orchestra composed of 30 to 60 quadrillion musicians but each master musician is playing with 1,200,000 instruments! But this symphonic orchestra takes no intermissions and plays the most beautifully written piece of music nonstop for sometimes over 100 years! Each moment, constantly that Master Conductor is performing so many functions that it is impossible to educationally grasp. But it can be appreciated! That conductor in the body is the Brain and Nervous System. The vertebral subluxation reduces the conductors ability to conduct the symphony within. When that Life Force or Conductor stops conducting, the symphony ends. Religions all talk about that Intelligent Force but we know it is not a Christian or a Buddhist or a Jewish or an Atheistic force. The flower and the blade of grass and the trees and every breathing beast exist due to that same living Universal Intelligence. It maintains every single one on earth no matter what their belief or religious persuasion or lack of it. The chiropractic specific adjustment removes any blocks or interferences in the ability of that Innate Force to express itself. The major premise: 1. A Universl Intelligence is in all matter and continually gives to it all its properties and actions, thus maintaining it in existence. Science tries to understand it. Relgions attempt to define it. Our limited educated minds cannot fathom it. It is always present within as Innate. It is the Source of all!
Posted on: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 13:48:01 +0000

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