THE NEW SCRIPTURES As Given by Jesus/Sananda Chapter 7 - - TopicsExpress


THE NEW SCRIPTURES As Given by Jesus/Sananda Chapter 7 - Transcribed by Kathryn E May, PsyD August 16, 2013 You see, Mother Earth is generous in her provision for her children. There is not a lack of food to feed all; there is a lack of will to care for all. This is the Darkness which I now ask you to banish from the planet. The era when looking out for Number One was not seen as a horrifically immoral attitude is over. You are your brothers keeper, as he is yours. No one actually gains material success without the help of the whole society. There is no such thing as a self-made man. All citizens benefit from the stability of their governments, their infrastructure, and the service of their fellow citizens who train themselves to be teachers, ambulance drivers, firefighters, farmers and poets. Yes, I did say poets. What Philistine invented the idea that every artist should be able to create a profitable product, and if they cannot do so, they are not worth paying attention to? How would the greatest minds in history have survived had it not been for mentors, kings and patrons who fed and clothed them so they could do their real work, which was to create inspiring works to uplift their fellow humans? As your populations have grown, and the funds you have contributed to provide for your own infrastructure, schools and security services have grown exponentially, it has been a simple matter for greed and selfishness to infiltrate every political and moral discussion. Rather than provide emotional security for all, the contribution of the many has been used to redistribute the wealth, the resources and the promise of security to the very few at the top. This is not democracy, nor is it The True Way. As everyone knows, The Golden Rule has been the cornerstone of spiritual teachings across the globe and throughout history. There are many variations on this basic teaching, but for our purposes here, we will begin with the familiar English version, Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. This captures the spirit of the thought. I would like to expand this to provide a motto for Ascension - the raising of your electromagnetic vibration to the high 5th dimension: Do unto others only what you would have done to you.
Posted on: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 17:49:26 +0000

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