THE PATH TO PROGRESS AND PROMOTION OF THE RIGHTEOUS: Pro.14:34. Isaiah.3:10; Pro.3:33. The way to progress and promotion in life is righteousness. The bible said very clearly that righteousness exalted a nation but sin is a reproach to any person. When you talk of a nation, a nation is made up of families; families are made of individuals, so righteousness in an individual life will result into righteousness in the family and righteousness in the family results in to righteousness in the nation. So it means all the individuals in the nation is expected to be righteous that is why we preach the gospel. There are a lot of examples of the righteous men and women in the bible that prospered. The wrong idea that when you are righteous you will not progress in life is totally unscriptural. Job.1:1-3; Gen.39:1-3; Job.42:10, 12; 2Chro.26:3-5, 15-16; Job.17:9. When you run after righteousness God will command good things to run after you. PROMISE OF PROGRESS AND PROMOTION FOR THE RIGHTEOUS: Dt.28:1-14; Job.36:11; Ps.75:10; Ps.92:12-14; Ps.112:6-9; Isaiah.54:10, 17. God’s promises are yea and amen to the righteous. These promises include. (1) The promise of prosperity and progress in life. (2) The promise of preservation and promotion. (3) The promise of Provision and power. (4) The promise of peace and partnership. (5) The promise of divine presence and sufficiency. (6) The promise of paradise and mansions in heaven. (7) The promise of healing and health. The bible makes it clear that it shall be well for the righteous. Ps.23:1-6. PROMOTING HOLINESS AND RIGHTEOUSNESS: Gen.39:1-12; Dan.1:8; Dan.3:16-18; Dan.6:4-5; 1Thess.2:10; Titus.2:7-8; Mt.5:13-16; Phil.2:14-16; 1Timothy.4:12; Isaiah.62:10. It is our responsibilities as children of God and as the light in this dark world to promote righteousness and holiness wherever we found ourselves, whether in Babylon or Egypt. The righteous promotes righteousness as sinners promote sin. We promote righteousness by living a righteous and holy life everywhere. Daniel and his friends, Joseph, Job, Zechariah and Elizabeth Paul and the other Apostle did not only preach righteousness but also promoted righteousness through righteous living. And today the Lord is calling every believer to promote righteousness and holiness through living a righteous and holy life in the society. PROGRESS AND PROMOTION THROUGH RIGHTEOUSNESS: Jeremiah.35:1-8, 18-19; Gen.39:2, 21; Gen.41:38-40; Dan.3:30; Dan.6:28. Progress and promotion is for the righteous. The earth is the Lords and the fullness thereof and we are the children of God and joint heir with Christ. Rom.8:17. That means whatever that belong to God belongs to Christ and whatever that belong to Christ belongs to us the children of God. Remember it is when you run after God that God will command good things to run after you. But if you run after material things than God good things will run away from you. The blessing of the Lord it maketh rich and he addeth no sorrow with it. While wealth gotten by vanity shall be diminished: Pro.10:22. Pro.13:11. RUN AFTER GOD, RUN AFTER RIGHTEOUSNESS AND GOOD THINGS WILL RUN AFTER YOU.
Posted on: Wed, 22 Jan 2014 08:46:56 +0000

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