THE POWER OF DIVINE PURPOSE..... Your colour,size or family - TopicsExpress


THE POWER OF DIVINE PURPOSE..... Your colour,size or family background doesnt matter,my pastor(pst okwudili Agu) told me that man is in 3 dimensions...THE SPIRIT,SOUL AND BODY. The spirit is the real you,when God was creating the first man,after he has formed his body with clay,he breathed in to his nostrils,what he breathed was not just air,but his spirit,thats why body dies,but spirit doesnt die. when the body dies the spirit lives the body to the place of eternity. The soul is the connector of your spirit and your body,it houses YOUR MIND, WILL,AND EMOTIONS. For creation to be perfect, God created the body to cloth our soul and spirit,so it doesnt matter how your body looks to people,so stop looking @ your body and start having a mental picture of your spiritual beauty and endowment. To me no man is disable. until a man see the real picture of his life,he/she will never no his/her worth. People say that your the shortest person or the most ugly person on earth,it doesnt matter,its even an opportunity to emerge as a legend in Guinness book of record and start making money. Hahaha !!! I have seen a man that does have arms and legs, but he is making great exploit in his world,so you dont have an excuse. Let me tell u, It is not what people say about u that matters ,but it is what u say about your self that matters, dont allow what people say about u stop u from taking a lead in life,remember a product does not tell its fellow product,this is what u are ,but its only the producer that can tell what he produced. We are the products, while God is the producer,every product is created to meet a need or is created as a solution to a particular problem. When a product is not meeting the needs why it was produced,the producer will not be happy about it,so this shows that every human was created for a purpose,we are not here by accident,we are here to add taste to life,mathew5:13 says,you are like salt for the whole human race,but if it looses its saltiness,has become worthless,so it is thrown out and people trample on it.(GNB)kjv said we are the salt of the earth,when when a salt looses it taste,it becomes worthless and people will match it as sand,so when your not meeting Gods purpose 4 your life,God is never happy about it. my lovely friends,have u discovered Gods purpose for your life? What u do now, is it in alignment with Gods plan for your life?you may be doing well now,but remember, the bible says, A WAY THAT SEEMETH RIGHT TO A MAN,THE END THEREOFF IS DISTRUCTION.It does not matter what u do or how wealthy you are now,the greatest good you can do for me and for your self is to find out the reason why u were created and start working towards it. This is one of the reasons u need,to seek Gods face like never before,because it is through fellowship that God reveals himself to his children. seek him,holy ghost is here to help @ all times, and the way to seek him is by fellowship(prayers) remember, a carnal man or a prayer less christian can not fellowship with God. Lack of divine purpose has made many people that were created big in life to die small. LET ME TELL U Why many people struggle in life is because they are living in another persons position,if your that type that always want to be like someone,u are living a fake life,your uniquely endowed with GIFT,SOLUTIONS AND POWER. The bible says that we are fearfully and wonderfully made by God,meaning that we uniquely orchestrated by God. This brings me back to what i was saying before,God created us differently with the purpose of being in control of different spheres of societies according to how we were wonderfully designed or made by GOD. So when u live another persons life, this what happens to you, eg if u put an eagle inside a river and expect it to swim, it will start struggling,if u drop a fish on d ground and expect it to run, it will start struggling,likewise a horse,it can not fly,hahahaha!! (areas of specialisation)Be who u are,dont let material things move u, never u live to impress others. What i dont have now doesnt disturb me,but what disturbs me is the inability to discover a problem and the solution to it,because every problem you solve,brings back rewards to you. look for your identity and start living according to it,dont rush,remember if u are too forward in life u will crash an air plane. God asked me to tell u to you that he loves u and if you follow his plan for your life,your victory is sure. If you have a question you can kindly ask. I Pray that God will enlighten our eyes of understanding so that we might no d hope of our calling,amen, Ephesians 1:17. I LOVE U. Your free to ask your quastion, your question is self guided.IF YOU HAVE BEEN BLESSED BY THIS MASSAGE, PLEASE CONTACT US ON FACEBOOK WITH THIS USER NAME FOR MORE COUNSELING:NMAKWE DESTINY OR FAVE DESTINY BRAIN,YOUR CAN STILL JOIN US ON OUR FCBK GROUP,SMART EDGE MOTIVATIONS COMPANY. OR CALL AND EMAIL US THIS +2348063251803...des­­ tinynmakwe@yahoo REMAIN BLESSED I GO BY THE NAME FAVE DESTINY BRAIN...
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 04:52:05 +0000

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