THE POWER OF LOVE How is Love fearful? I thought it was Love. - TopicsExpress


THE POWER OF LOVE How is Love fearful? I thought it was Love. So there is an association you want to make between fear and Love, as if they belong connected together. And the way you connect them together is that Love is a cause of fear. I’m asking you to look at that! Because somewhere you are willing to do that. Somewhere in your mind you are willing to connect the two of them together. It’s reasonable to you and you get the result of it and then you don’t feel good after you get the result. So, if we can see how and why you do it, it could be easily undone, because they don’t belong together. Reasonably and lovingly they don’t belong together. But you DO associate them. So, maybe we can dissociate them. Maybe you can use NOW to dissociate those two ideas from one another. So, maybe the only association that they belong together would be that Love is a SOLUTION to fear! Maybe that is the only association they should have. Like Love would be of the Light and the fear would be of the dark. So, when the Love shows up it shines away the dark. So, when you’re tempted to be fearful, the Love is what takes care of it; the Love is the solution. Do you understand what I am saying? There is a misunderstanding going on in your mind and you have the opportunity right now to clear that up for YOU. And when it is cleared up for you, you’ll KNOW the power of Love and then you’ll be able to help anybody else that has the same kind of problem that you used to have and that you don’t have anymore, because you don’t connect the two together in that way. OK! So all you have to do is; ▪ Look in your own mind ▪ See how you connect Love and fear ▪ Recognize that you have a purpose for connecting them in that way ▪ Feel whatever you feel. If it scares you to do that, feel whatever you feel ▪ And then bring the Truth in, bring the Truth in; Holy Spirit, Jesus, whatever, however it occurs to you to work. Bring the Light in ▪ See what happens to the feelings (because you use those feelings to determine what is valid for you), see what happens when the Light has an effect upon those feelings, because you’re looking at those ideas differently ▪ Then you know the power that we’re talking about (Power of Love) Maybe you want to take an example from what you call your life as to how it was a very loving moment and you decided to think of that as fearful. Can you see the justifications that were in your mind, the other ideas that were in your mind, that allowed you to think that that loving moment should be considered fearful? Was there something that was being threatened maybe, so you decided to look at Love as a threat? Maybe the idea of loss … maybe safety ... maybe something about yourself that you judge that you don’t want exposed? It could be many different things that you have connected with that, that Love would like to heal. Try to stay with just one event. I am sure you have numerous examples, but just focus in on one so you can see how this works very clearly. As you are looking at that event, why don’t you change your mind about the event and choose Love? The same exact example you are looking at, see what it would be like if you chose Love instead of the fear. Replay it in your mind and only this time, choose Love. What would Love do? Let it play out like that. O.K. Now, which one do you prefer? You prefer going through the struggle and allowing the Love to be there or are you still sure that you should be afraid of Love? What has just happened in your mind? Some forgiveness? And how does that feel? Feels good? Good! This is what the mind needs. It needs a new pathway where it can see that if it does this it is O.K. In fact it’s better than O.K. and that the old pattern is O.K. to be broken because the threat or the safety or whatever it was, is just an idea and it doesn’t belong associated with Love. If you can begin to practice by looking at some of the things that you associate with fear and look at it, bring that fear out and replace Love and then see how that would play out, you can begin to reprogram yourself. Like yesterday I was talking about computers? This is like your mind is programmed. You are running a program and you can reprogram it. Jesus in ACIM is telling you that it is a mind-training program, so he is telling you that you can reprogram your mind. That you can learn, I mean ... you can’t learn into the Presence of God, but you can learn of the need to be in the Presence of God. And the way you learn the need of that is to see all the other things that are going on that are bringing you the pain and the suffering, that God would be the solution of. So, then you see the need, it is very clearly. Can you hear what it is that I am saying? If you don’t, you’ll be stubborn. That’s one of my favorite words, stubborn. Unfortunately, most of the times, it is not stubborn for God … it’s stubborn in resistance, to be in alignment with the Will of God, to recognize that your will and God’s Will are one and the same, you know, where your happiness is; be stubborn for happiness. Or as Jesus says, “Don’t let circumstances take away your faith, trust, love and happiness.” Can you be stubborn for that?
Posted on: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 08:28:00 +0000

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