THE PRESENT SITUATION IN NIGERIA. ISLAM IS THE FOCUS. Nigerians had been in a mayhem condition for years back all in the name of what? Boko Haram. Literarily, Boko Haram originated from Arabic language meaning education is forbidden but the question is, who founded this name? You see, to be straight forward, this title took its source from the bad attitude of the Northern governors towards ridging of election. The boys that founded this sect with their late leader Mohammed Yusuf were political thugs, whom were used to ridge election but unfortunately, after winning the election for their godfathers, they were shun and left uncared for. All promises by the governors to the boys were not made to come to past but instead, they requested for the boys qualification of which they knew they do not possessed any before using them as thugs. So far that the boys could not produce the documents, they (governors) claimed they cannot help them without any qualification. The problem continued like that before Muhammed Yusuf was arrested by the soldiers and handed over to the police for scrutiny and prosecution but otherwise, the police killed him, his in-law and also dismantled his family and belongings. As a result, Yusufs boys stood up against this brutality and seek to take revenge over the action. If you could recollect when this action first started, the boys were against the police and government parastatals but today, its something else. The protest and reactions continued like that for a while until the real Shekau came up after Mohammad Yusuf but who later disappeared after some trials. The problem took another dimension when a fake and sponsored Shekau came up with different opinions. He and his groups blast houses and public places i.e. Iyanya Motor park, abducting, selling and marrying of school girls to those he wishes The Holy Quran says, Do not inherit women against their will (Qur’an 4:19). He graduated to unlimited and countless genocides both Christians and Muslims, Igbos, Hausas and Yorubas (cutting across every tribe in Nigeria), yet, claiming hes doing it in the name of Allah. Allah said in the holy Quran, if anyone slew a person - unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land - it would be as if he slew the whole people: and if any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the whole people.” (Quran 5:32). Nigerians of today are running helter-skelter with different talks and views: Some hold a belief that a tribe is behind this while majority listen to the animals claim (Shekau) and hold strongly to that belief that Muslims are the sponsorers of this animals called Boko Haram in order to convert everyone to Islam. Mind you, Allah says, “O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that ye may know each other (not that ye may despise (each other)…” (Quran 49:13) Furthermore, if Muslims are the point behind, why would the Muslims do this since the Lord God said, ...... but do not transgress limits; for God love not the transgressors. (Qur’an 2:190) In conclusion, I wish to elucidate this that, whosoever knows what his/her religion teaches is the best person to understand the situation on ground in Nigeria. If a Christian tries to cast black image on Islam or Muslims do otherwise; it shows none of them is a good believer because, the Holy prophet knew the importance of peace and never was He tried to do anything against it even to the pagans, who dont love what he brought. Apart from this, Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him) gained most of his companions heart through peaceful preaches and good character shown to them. Why??? I mean why? Why would people like us claim to love and work for Allah and yet, we cant help to stop transgression.
Posted on: Thu, 29 May 2014 20:47:02 +0000

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