THE PRICE IVE HAD TO PAY FOR MY SOCIAL MEDIA ACTIVISM; Its not been easy. It takes passion. It takes resolve. Its not for the faint-hearted. It takes determination. It takes an altruistic spirit. The governor of Kisii James E.O. Ongwae once threatened me on phone over a post in which I told him off over Corruption and Nepotism in Kisii county. I will definitely find out whom you are and take action, the governor texted. WASH WASH operatives have called me severally complaining that that my posts were destroying their business through my posts; Some have even warned me to stay safe and stop posting about the vice on Facebook. Others have wondered what I stand to gain by fighting for justice for a woman in Nakuru whose cash had been stolen by a bank employee. My bank manager in one of the local banks advised me to close my Facebook account to avoid landing into problems after I criticized the bank over reports of fake cash at its ATM outlets. A Mombasa Tycoon was baying for my blood earlier this year over a Facebook post in which I exposed his tax evasion schemes and manipulation of tax returns. On realizing I couldnt be intimidated, the Mombasa tycoon sent an emissary to me with an offer of Ksh 200,000.00 bribe just to have the post pulled down. I flatly rejected the offer and declined to bring down the post. Hundreds of anonymous calls, some claiming to be from CID headquarters. Yet another city businessman organized and funded an attack on my business premises over an offending Facebook post. A bar owner in Umoja a few months ago threatened to teach me lesson over an incident in which I exposed his criminal activities; The production and distribution of a killer illicit brew. Yet another senior politician funded the creation of blogs and websites aimed at blackmailing and intimidating me to stop my political activism on social media.
Posted on: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 07:26:14 +0000

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