THE RACE SET BEFORE US...part 3.. MEN BEFORE US...Hebrews 12:1 - TopicsExpress


THE RACE SET BEFORE US...part 3.. MEN BEFORE US...Hebrews 12:1 Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,..It is so beautiful to see and note that we are not the first in this race to heaven!..sages in ages past pioneered and towered high in their singular quest to look for this city whose builder and maker is not Julius berger or cccec nor aero contracted but the master craft man-God! the text before us began by looking at SEEING we are encompassed or surrounded with such a cloud of witness,....let us run with patience the race set before us..why?..because you and i are not the first recruits...there are men and women who trail blazed this race before we arrived at the scene and their lives are to mirror for us what it takes and how to go about it...the bible called them CLOUDS OF WITNESSES...CLOUDS because they are so many in number and cloud because of their purity lifestyle...they are on the grandstand now cheering us...clapping where we faced issues of their kind...wherefore seeing we you use them if you know you have?who are they and where are they? see them in the previous Heb 11...the first elder mentioned as a cloud of witness is Abel!..not married before he died yet Gods first elder of faith for sacrifice! If you are opportune to sacrifice in labouring for God and work so hard but discouraged lately,Abel shows you up charging and challenging you to follow in his footsteps and to keep on... Naboth takes the cheering if an Ahab wants to take over your divine inheritance in God...or are you in babylon work place of a kind like Daniel?..hear him tell you...i purposed in my heart not to defile myself..and am waiting for you...i did it you can...are you facing barreness of natural and spiritual children like Abraham, Manoah, Elizabeth and sis Hannah?..dont give up they cheer thee see our isaac,samson,sameluel and will have yours too to is his glory..or like Joab the Lord recently boasted of you to Satan and he has done his worst?...see my chapter first chapter wasnt my last chapter...your chapter 42 is coming...may be you are faced with immoral pressure from the spirit of mrs portiphar in our time like Joseph just to abort his dream...Joseph stand by the holy spirit to say i was there before you..she pressured me but i ran the race by running away....are you SEEING these clouds of witnesses in your own lane as you race on?we must see them and see this revelation of them..they have become our example to learn and race well...we must see peter,Paul ,John ,even martin Luther, Watchman Nee and Witness Lee,john and charles wesley...father Nash,David Livingstone,mary slessor are correct witnesses to see as we go out each day to must see prophet MICIAH if you stand to preach ,preach fearlessly and accurately in the midst of 400 prophets who prophet-lies as it is in our time today...the race before us takes a new shape when we see these men before us as clouds of witnesses daily and insist to go the ancient path they trod as we run the race set before us...all run but not all shall be as to win this race and get the crown...SELAH
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 09:39:47 +0000

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