THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE SACRIFICE OF THE PROPHET ABRAHAM AND THE COMING OF JESUS CHRIST TO BE SACRIFICED TO REDEEM US FROM OUR SINS. WHY SACRIFICE? 5) TO ASK FOR MORE BLESSINGS FROM THE SUPERIOR BEING. A man/woman sacrificed or sacrifices to a Superior Being to ask for more blessings from him. In sacrificing to such a Superior Being, one must have had an intimate relationship with him to acknowledge that that Superior Being has been the source of all the good things of life that have come to one. When Jacob (Israel) was fleeing from his brother Esau, he had a dream when he fell asleep at Bethel (formerly Luz) in which he saw the angels of God ascending and descending from heaven. In the morning when he woke up, he poured oil upon the stones he used for his pillows which he had made into a pillar and vowed to God (Please read Genesis 28:12-22) for the story. Jacob (Israel) knew from his father that it was the only true God who had blessed his grandfather, Abraham and his father, Isaac so he asked for blessings from Him and promised Him a tenth of whatever He would give him. The children of Israel had decided to fight one of the tribes of Israel, the tribe of Benjamin for refusing to release a group of their young men who gang raped the concubine of a Levite resulting in her death. On two occasions, the tribe of Benjamin defeated the rest of Israel and killed twenty- two thousand and eighteen thousand men respectively on the first and second days. With further defeat staring them in the face, they sacrificed unto God amidst fasting and on the third day the rest of Israel almost destroyed the whole tribe of Benjamin (Judges 20). The question is who do we commit our resources to? Do we sacrifice to dumb idols or do we commit our resources which the only true God has been giving us to the propagation of the gospel of Jesus Christ? In the dispensation we are in, there is no need to sacrifice animals or offer grains, drinks etc. because all those things which were required of the children of Israel by God pointed to the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ to be sacrificed as the ultimate sacrifice to reconcile man to God. Hence Hebrews 8:7 states “For if the the first covenant has been faultless, then there should have been no place for the second”. It was because there was a problem with sacrificing of animals etc. continually which could not permanently cure men from their sins that it had to be removed for the perfect sacrifice, Jesus Christ, to be offered for permanent redemption of man from sin. For as the Holy Bible tells us in Hebrews 9:22 “And almost all things are by the law purged with blood; and without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin”. It is, therefore, imperative that we are purged from our sins only by the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ and not by any other sacrifice or offering of animals, wheat etc. on altars with fire. These are the things which the Devil has cleverly seized to confuse people and capture them. Please let us be like the sons of Berea and know what is happening in our time. Jesus Christ is the only one who can give eternal life! E-mail:ahinakkwaofoli@yahoo/ahinakwaofoli@gmail Cell-phones:0244757569/0208881204
Posted on: Sat, 15 Jun 2013 17:16:14 +0000

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