THE SIGNS OF THE SECOND COMING OF JESUS CHRIST-PART 8 Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many (Matthew 24vs11). Dear friends, he who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. In these last days, many false prophets, false teachers, false pastors and false preachers have risen up with their lying wonders and deceptions. Majority of these false preachers are not divinely called into five-fold ministries while some who have true callings are enticed, lured and initiated into occult organizations because of fake wealth, prosperity and fame. They are direct agents of the kingdom of darkness. They diligently run errands for their master (devil). They are assigned to spread false doctrines and attempt to bastardize the Word of God. They also despise the things of God. They use their demonic power to do lying wonders to confuse the children of God so that they wont able to differentiate between their lying wonders and genuine healing and miracles of God. The false prophets successfully deceive many because people dont like the Truth, especially THE WORD OF TRUTH (THE WORD OF GOD). People easily fall for their lies and lying wonders. Mankind tends to foolishly believe in lies than the TRUTH in the WORD OF GOD. The false prophets and false teachers often emphasize and magnify the battles of life, afflictions, trials of faith, challenges, storms of life and circumstantial situations of the people; just to exploit or take advantage of the people materially, financially, emotionally, spiritually and physically. The false prophets and false teachers wont magnify God who could easily solve the setbacks. Instead they will indirectly brag about their demonic power they possessed. The false preachers preach majorly on blessing, prosperity, breakthroughs, miracles and giving without preaching the TRUE GOSPEL OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST. They are very good fund raisers and motivate people to indirectly donate large sum of money to their personal projects pretended to be Gods projects. Lord Jesus advises us by saying; Therefore by their fruits (characters) you will know them (Matthew 7vs20). Also read Matthew 7vs 15-23; 1 Timothy 4vs1; 2 Peter 2vs1-3; Acts 20vs29. THESE ARE THE IRREFUTABLE SIGNS OF THE SECOND COMING OF KING JESUS CHRIST! BE WARNED!! WATCH AND PRAY!!!
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 20:10:12 +0000

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