THE SOVEREIGNTY OF HER SELF by Audrey Hope It was many years ago - TopicsExpress


THE SOVEREIGNTY OF HER SELF by Audrey Hope It was many years ago that my mission to help women began. While working in a clothing store to support my acting career, I became heartbroken by the countless women who came in to shop and hated their bodies and what they were seeing in the mirror. No matter what size, what shape, or how old they were, they would tell me stories of how they were going to fix themselves to be more perfect. It horrified me and I had to do something about it. I realized that women’s lack of self- love and self-esteem was caused by the society, the harmful images in the media, the lies of our culture, and the untold truth of her story in history. Women did not know they were brainwashed and that they had lost their goddess power and I had to tell them, just that. My goal was to inspire a revolution in perception, by the spiritual concept that enlightenment can happen in a moment if you tell her what she needs to know. I created Real Women TV dedicated to creating positive female role models in the media, and life-altering perspectives that can transform our world. My work led me to interview the greatest voices of our age to set the record straight. My journey then expanded to one on one intuitive healing to help women end their suffering. What has changed since the beginning of my quest? Women are taking on new roles and earning more in the workplace and finding lifestyles to suit their freedom, but the damaging disease of her self-doubt is still present. The need for her inner revolution – lives. The foundation of power is to align spiritual energy and to protect your divinity, every day and at every moment. The trick of losing source connection is to be distracted, confused, and to believe false belief systems. Make women bow their heads in shame, waste time on guilt and self-punishment, have them worry about age and weight and she won’t take her place on her throne and she will miss the alignment of her center, her light. The real crime is not what others do to her that is harm enough, but what we she does to herself because of it. And therein lies the key to her sovereignty – she alone can stop all self-slapping and self- criticism. She alone can take back her power and there is no one and nothing to wait for. The amazing healing truth is that women can transform instantly by feminine spiritual law- the boundaries and vows of self-love and self-care. Her resurrecting elixir is her empowering choices, and her strong decrees. With the power of no she can command - “Stop! Enough! I will no longer believe I am not good enough, smart enough, skinny enough, and young enough. I will no longer allow anyone to take my energy. I will always follow my heart and speak my truth. I will end the internal war from this moment forward and not focus on what is wrong with me. I will open up the ancient spiritual knowledge that I am a powerful goddess. I will marry myself first, and for always.” It is time for women’s strength in the world. The golden age prophesy is that the goddess will take back her throne and bring balance to an unbalanced world. When she is restor(y)ed, the men and the world will follow. The sovereignty of herself is the magic wand, for her, for all and for the sake of the planet.
Posted on: Fri, 29 Nov 2013 23:25:07 +0000

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