THE ULTIMATE PROOF - THE WINE TEST (OR PURE GRAPE JUICE TEST) I learn about this test in an article that was at the link Now it seems to have been deleted from that site. Later on when I founded the videos of Clifford Carnicom, I went to his web page to study his research about Morgellons, the condition where the human body develop abrasions, wounds and sores, where filaments or fibers comes out of your body through the skin. Reading his research I found out that it is all about the oral and environmental filaments popular known as Nano Fibers, that we breath in everyday 24/7. It was there that I found out that this test was discovered by Dr. Gwen Scott several years ago (have in mind they have been spraying us since the 1990s). The process of this simple test as well as the general chemistry of the reaction (involving Anthocyanins) has also been discussed in Clifford Carnicoms research. Clifford Carnicom calls it an infection. We have been infected by these filaments/fibers that have a bacteria inside them, remember these are nano fibers, nano from nano technology where they make things extremely small. The following excerpt is from Clifford Carnicoms paper published January 31, 2014 called Growth Inhibition Achieved. At the heart of this condition, from the perspective of this researcher, is the presence of a sub-micron cross-domain bacteria that is extremely resistant to extinction. This postulated bacteria has the property of developing the growth of an enclosing sheath, or filament which further serves to house, protect and transport these same bacteria. This sheath, or enclosing filament, also exists in its most primitive form at the sub-micron level. This protective and resilient sheath appears to be composed largely of a keratin (protein) construct, but it also remains impervious and impenetrable in comparison to other keratin structures such as hair. It is also known that iron is a core constituent of the bacteria composition, as well as amino acids. A more detailed analysis of the organic nature of the life form is available and has been within the paper, Morgellons - A Working Hypothesis (Dec 2013). Additional important health considerations and strategies are integrated within that paper, and the issue of antioxidants are one of many central themes therein. Readers are seriously advised to become familiar with that work; many equally important issues beyond that of oxidarive stress are discussed in detail there. Now that you have an idea of what a nano fiber is you know they are extremely small and when inside your body it has an agenda. Lets do the test now. First brush your teeth very well and then rinse them very well not leaving any residue of toothpaste in your mouth. You will need to have a bottle of red wine merlot or a bottle of pure grape juice. If you do the test with the wine, please do not drink the wine before the test because it will interfere with the results. Bottle of Hydrogen Peroxide Get an old white ceramic plate, do not use plastic. Get a digital camera to film or take photos (optional) Get a magnifying glass (optional) Place in a cup 1 teaspoon of Hydrogen Peroxide Add 2 tablespoons of Red Wine Merlot OR 2 tablespoons of Pure Grape Juice. The test will work with either one and I will explain why in the end. First brush your teeth very well and then rinse then very well not leaving any residue of toothpaste in your mouth. Mix them in the cup and swish them in your mouth for 4 minutes. It is a little difficult to wait so I suggest you to watch tv or read a book while swishing the mix. PLEASE BE CAREFUL TO NOT SWALLOW THAT MIX BECAUSE OF THE PEROXIDE. After 4 minutes, spit the liquid from your mouth on that white plate and rinse your mouth with water several times. Tilt the plate slightly so the liquid will go to one side of the plate, and expose the fibers that got out of your gum. The fibers will cling to the plate where there is no liquid and if you keep looking they will grow and they tend to migrate toward each other. Some of them will seem to have a hair like in the ends and also at their bodies. These are called a complex nano fibers, that appears to be of fungal form, containing complex internal sub-micron filament structure. If your city has been sprayed with chemtrails, it is almost sure you have these fibers inside you, we breath them in because they are inside the gases of the chemtrails. Every time you drink red wine merlot or pure grape juice, these fibers will get out of your gums. The reason is that the fibers are attracted to the pigment element that exists in grapes called Anthocyanins. They bond together in a chemical reaction. So when you drink the wine it makes them to come out of your gum. Another good suggestion is to go see your dentist every 6 months for a cleaning and x-rays, because the fibers living inside your gums will rot the roots of your teeth. (see this subject in Morgellons - A Working Hypothesis). I know you will be very upset when you find out what came out of your gums. I went to the phase of getting upset, them mad, then sad, then I cried a lot and after that I decided to release my anger making a decision of doing whatever I could to bring awareness to the Geoengineering/Chemtrails government program. Whatever is the reason that they are doing these sprays is totally irrelevant because they are killing humanity and destroying our planet little by little. Take a Stand! Take Action, and do not stop until we stop them. And if you did not find anything coming out of your gums you are lucky.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 02:31:26 +0000

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