THE UPCOMING WEEK AT TORY HILL April 27, 2014 PRAYER REQUEST – Vinetta Hibbert leaves Buxton on Friday, April 25th, moving to Colorado to be closer to family. Let us pray for traveling mercies on Friday, and for blessings in her new home. THIS SUNDAY AT TORY HILL – HOLY HUMOR SUNDAY Thought for the Day: “At the height of laughter, the universe is flung into a kaleidoscope of new possibilities.” -Jean Houston Scripture: John 20:19-31– Jesus enters the locked house where his followers are hiding – so that seeing, they might believe. Choir: The choir will sing Mary Louise Bringle’s “Wake Every Breath and String!” with a twist. Come, sing with us! Choir rehearsal is at 9:30 AM. Children’s Time “Knock Knock!” A yearly tradition at Tory Hill. The children are invited to bring Knock Knock jokes to share. It is Holy Humor Sunday after all! Message – “Knock, Knock! Wake Up! Open the Door!” We’ll join the followers of Jesus in that house of doubt and gladness. HOLY HUMOR SUNDAY – What IS it? Holy Humor Sunday has grown out of a medieval tradition of Christians gathering during the week following Easter to tell jokes to each other in honor of the cosmic joke God played on Satan in the resurrection of Jesus. Come with a joke or a funny story to share. Come in silly costume. Come with your laughter! SPRING PLANT SALE – Saturday, May 10th at the church. We began early this year, planning one of our best fund-raisers – also a fun-raiser. We have planted seeds for the sale at Snell Farm. We’ll meet again at Snell’s after worship this Sunday to tend these plants and fine-tune the planning: If you are planning to thin your perennials for this sale, it works best if you: 1) Dig and pot them at least two weeks before the sale so that they are “settled” in their pots. (There will be pots at the church for your use.) 2) Label your plants, including the color of the blossoms if they are not yet in bloom. 3) And! If you want help with digging perennials, call Beth White or Helen Betts and they will find digging help for you. YORK ASSOCIATION SPRING MEETING – will be held at 3 PM this Sunday at the North Saco United Church of Christ. Come greet your York UCC neighbors and hear what our association is up to. COUNCIL MEETING – After worship, Sunday, May 4th. This is our quarterly Council, the major agenda item being our church’s future, with some attention to the suggestions that Conference Minister Susie Craig brought to us in February. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR PLANT SALE! – How can YOU help? With the setup early Saturday morning? As a “salesperson” from 9 to 1, or part of that time? Help clean up after the sale? Donate baked goods? Solicit baked goods? Take care of some of the media advertising? Call Beth White or Helen Betts to let them know how you would like to help. LAITY SUNDAY – Sunday, June 8th. Sparked by one parishioner saying he would like to preach a 3-minute sermon, this is an opportunity for us to share our faith with each other. A second person has also volunteered to preach for three minutes. How about two more folks? Let Rev. Karen know if you would like to take part in this way, or in reading scripture, offering the prayer or leading the liturgy. BIBLE STUDY - We usually meet the first and third Tuesdays at 6:30 PM at the White residence on Narragansett Trail. Call Beth White for directions: 929-8371. We meet next on May 6th. We had such a good time sharing our favorite readings from the Lenten Devotions book that we will share more of these on May 6th. OUR PRAYER LIST Vinetta Hibbert, the family of Bill Turner, the family of Rick Ruby, Ray Biggar (husband of Rev. Cynthia Biggar of the Standish UCC), Virginia Bagley (mother of Paula’s friend), Helen Betts’ sister, Sabra, and her niece Hannah, Randy Chute, Vinetta Hibbert, Judy McGovern, Stephen Griffiths (Ann Peterson’s father), Mary Blaisdell, Gloria Moore, Kuesten Lurvey’s friends: Colleen McCullen (whose mother has cancer), and Brittany and her baby, Sally Regan (a Peace Corps volunteer in Azerbaijan, friend of Eve Sawyer & Rev. Karen), Jerry Tweety (Mike Petrin’s friend), Ron Petrin (Mike Petrin’s brother), Alberta Richards, Providence Stanley, Jeffrey Nason (Diannes husband), Karen Nielsen (wife of Rev. Doug Nielsen, pastor, Saco UCC), Rev. Nancy Salisbury (pastor, Gray UCC), Kuesten Lurvey and her infant son, Bentley, Orville Deuchman (Mike Petrin’s friend), Richard Kelly’s friend Michael, Nancy Hess, Rev. Denis Dunn, Deborah Gallant (Norma Peters’ daughter), Chris Hyland (Paula Welchs uncle), Richard Parker (Mike Petrins brother-in-law), Durward Lang, Ruth Richards, Ruth Johnson, Christian Wheeler, the Sylveski family, Dawn Palmer (Karen Palmer’s daughter-in-law), Richard Kelly, Carlene Ehrenborg and Cyrus Palmer, Geoffrey Black (the General Minister and President of the United Church of Christ), Charlotte McNeal (Jan Flint’s sister), Pam Rhodes (friend of Jane Petrin), Ruth Richards daughter Brenda and family; Cory Richards (Alberta and Earl’s grandson), Pat Chase’s grandson Scott, our brothers and sisters in Honduras - and all who are suffering and in harm’s way around the world. AMIGOS! The York Association Mission Committee is asking that we turn in our AMIGOS donations by May 4th. How are we doing? The bucket gets heavier every week! Would you also like to make a $50 donation – equivalent to one bucket in the manner we used to do this program? ($50 provides 100 meals!) We’ll count the bucket before May 4th, and you have all this coming week to mail a check to Sonia Damon at 27 Buxton Road, Saco, ME 04072. Make the check out to the church with AMIGOS on the memo line. It is unconscionable that throughout the world a child dies every six seconds from starvation. We’re doing our part for school children in Honduras. THANK YOU!
Posted on: Thu, 24 Apr 2014 19:02:30 +0000

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