THE VINCE DAILY- TODAYS DEVOTION TOPIC: YOUR VALUES, COURAGE & HAPPINESS 4/3/2014 By Unegbu Vincent Psychologically happiness have two view, which are as present state of mind and long term evaluation of satisfaction with life. It obvious that your sole aim in life is to be happy but the factual paradox is that you never can be happy unless you stop trying to be happy. Your values and your level of courage to express them and live on them have a great role to play in how happy you will be with life or in life[ the 2nd view]. In simple language, your values are your views, your own philosophy, your beliefs and can be more correctly referred to as sedimented thoughts of yours- they are the inner core of you from where your conducts radiates. If you have the courage to act in perfect or excellent accordance to your values, you will be happy in life or you are happy now if you have been doing that. Trying to suppress your value- to act in the very opposite to it will leave you unhappy, and languishing with poor level of satisfaction with your life. Have the courage to live on your values regardless of circumstances. No one else knows your values except you. To act according to it in order to be happy, is equally only on you outside every other factor to figure out what to do and not to do. Dont let people in, else they will try to define you with their own values and thats the road to languish. However, I must mention that there are evil values and good values or negative and positive values respectively. Its now up to you either to positively define your values and follow it or to review the present ones and eliminate the evil elements. Living on negative values many seem satisfyin in the short term but indeed, languish is few steps ahead while living on positive values may seem not worthy or foolish to the world around, but look, buoyance and happiness lies next step. While negative values which are ethically unhealthy are self-destroying to people exhibiting them, positive values builds! But in essence your values will be worthless if you never have the courage to let them manifest. your short term happiness depends on how courageous you are in letting your values into play but your long term happiness will be determined by the nature of your value- nagative or positive, evil or good- Unegbu Vincent Have A Nice Day!
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 05:30:55 +0000

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