THE VIOLENCE IN ISLAM. As young children, we were taught that it is expected of a good christian to automatically present the other ear; in the contentious situation in which a slap had been landed on the alternate ear. We were taught that the Human Life was the most important and valuable of all the things on earth. It was also stated in the biblical 10 commandments that: thou shall not kill...., with a subsequent overhanging threat of hell and eternal damnation for all potential defaulters. But recently, while sitting with an hausa customer in the process of concluding some bureau de change negotiations. He started a heated discussion on the justification of the Boko-Haram ideology, the incompetencies of president Goodluck Jonathan, and the imperativity for an hausa/muslim president in the upcoming elections. And while agreeing that incompetence was even too kind a word for Mr presidents inadequacies, i vehemently opined that there were no justifications for the Boko-Haram wanton destruction and wasting of Nigerian lives. And proceeded to educate him on the need to place the human life above all religions and ideologies. And after he had expectedly and naturally disagreed, i then asked him a question that bothered on whether he would first save his Koran, or a human life in a situation where both are in the face of grave danger. And his eye-popping answer was that: the Koran greatly outweighs even the lives of his very own children! It was an answer that stunned me speechless and made me realize why the moslems readily kill others at little or no provocation. It opened my eye to the fact that the boko-haram insurgents and all the other(mostly moslems) terrorists groups of this world are not really killing for their ideology! THEY KILL BECAUSE THEY HAD BEEN BRAINWASHED INTO BELIEVING THAT THE LIVES OF OTHER HUMAN BEINGS ARE OF LITTLE AND NO VALUE!! So, on an advisory note: you can laugh, eat, drink with, date, do business with and every other thing with a moslem. But always remain vigilant and sleep with an eye open--FOR HE/SHE WILL(will+will+will) INSTANTLY KILL YOU WITHOUT ANY HESITATION; IF THE NEED ARISES!!!
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 09:54:55 +0000

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