THE WISDOM OF THE CRAFT ~LL~ We are living in a very - TopicsExpress


THE WISDOM OF THE CRAFT ~LL~ We are living in a very different world to the one Gerald Gardner, the founder of modern Wicca grew up in and much has changed since the emergence of Witchcraft beliefs. What was once in the shadows is now out in the open and from that exposure has come one of the fastest growing spiritual paths in the western world. It has many forms, it changes and develops with its followers, there are Goddess focused strands, God focused strands, fairy faiths, Hedgewitches and Traditional Crafters, the list is endless and that’s what’s so beautiful about it. It’s an ever-changing face much like nature. Like the tree with its many leaves Witchcraft has one central root that goes deep into the landscape, its taproot deep into the mother, the Earth. Its nature based focus allows people to connect once more to the rhythms of the seasons through the eight festival year and the cosmic forces of creation that come to be known as the Goddess and God. Everything needs to evolve for it to survive and if Witchcraft is going to move forward into an ever demanding world it has to be able to support its practitioners on a deep spiritual level. We have to find ways that open us to the deep resources we have within us, as people we are full of internal struggles, it’s these that give rise to so many of our problems. The Wisdom of The Craft is all about helping people untie these knots and let them go so that they can live life free from the troubles that afflict many of us in today’s world. The main problem we face is we are starving as people, we have lost our connection to that which feeds our soul and this has left people wandering in a darkness where they know not how to get out of. All nature spiritualities shine a light in the darkness, they offer light at the end of the tunnel and beckon us back into nature, to commune once more with the forces of creation that have in fact never left us. All that has happened is we have forgotten and it’s practices such as Wicca, Druidry, Shamanism and The Craft that are offering guidance. They teach us to know ourselves so we have a chance to be free, we have to be able to navigate both our day-to-day life and our spiritual lives so that both seamlessly blend into each other. It’s only then that we can find a new way of living on the earth where we finally start to see nature once more as a thou rather than an it. Witchcraft is about that connection, it opens the door to a world within, it allows us once more to connect with the deep well of wisdom that abides in each and everyone of us. All most people want is happiness and a way of life that allows them to get by without too much struggle. The tools The Craft give people the very things that can support and enrich our being. Nature is a book to be read, it gives us everything we need, it’s a sort of toolbox that has everything within it to navigate life but how do we open it. We have to stop for a moment and allow ourselves to be still, only when that happens can a gap be made for the magic to slowly come creeping through. The Wisdom of The Craft is Witchcraft for a new generation; it’s all about giving people the necessary tools to be able to read the book of nature. That way they have access to the great storehouse of wisdom that’s all around, flowing like light from every bit of creation. It’s about being practical and concentrating on the ‘how to do’ side of The Craft and if practiced with a little effort it can bring about amazing results. It’s been written by people who have walked the path for over 25years, it’s not something that’s just been made up. It’s a wealth of practical knowledge that has worked with for years, the stuff that hasn’t worked has not found its way into the teachings. There are new ideas which could challenge established beliefs but these are not designed to cause controversy, they are there to expand upon what is already there. We honor all those who have gone before, all those people who have walked the path and who have contributed to this wonderful flowering of traditions that have allowed people to connect deeply to life. We hope that our contribution is another small offering that will enrich and enhance the path of the Witch and in time become a valuable teaching tool for all those who seek the bright knowledge. thehedgewitchcooks
Posted on: Mon, 25 Nov 2013 23:30:30 +0000

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