THERE IS NO MIDDLE ROAD!PLEASE READ ALL OF THIS !You are either on - TopicsExpress


THERE IS NO MIDDLE ROAD!PLEASE READ ALL OF THIS !You are either on the Broad Road the leads to hell or on the Narrow Road that leads to Heaven. Matthew 7:13-14Enter ye by the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way ,that leadeth to destruction ,and MANY there be which go thereat:Because strait (narrow) is the gate ,and narrow is the way ,which leadeth unto Life ,and FEW there be that find it. BIBLE NOTE:Jesus taught that the majority of the multitudes would not follow Him on the road that leads to Life.Comparatively speaking ,those who enter the humble gate of true repentance and deny themselves to follow Jesus and His commands ,who earnestly seek His kingdom and His righteousness,and persevere until the end in true faith, are not many but few. Many give Jesus their mental assent and affirm what He did on the Cross but they are not contrite and not under conviction of their sinfulness !! They have a false faith that bears no fruit at all !! James 2:17Even so faith, if it has not works is dead,being alone. James 2:19Thou believest that there is one God:thou doest well:the devils also believe,and tremble. The faith of devils will save no one ! Saving faith is always a living faith that not only confesses Jesus as Savior ,but obeys Him as Lord.(1st John 2:3-5) THE BROAD ROAD ! Multitudes choose the easy way and many travel on this very comfortable road to hell.It is very easy to go to hell ,all you have to do is live a careless sinful life and ignore the Lord Jesus.All roads lead to a destination and many Church members are on the wrong road thinking they are on the right road and are heading to eternal damnation. You can be sincere and religious but still lost in sin ! Prov.21:2Every way of a man is right in his own eyes:but the Lord ponders the heart. Job 8:13So are the paths of all that forget God:and the hypocrites hope shall perish. Mans pride blinds him to his own sin,he is like a care free traveler on a road that looks safe ,looks free from hazards ,looks attractive but is headed toward disaster ! There are no restrictions on the broad road .You can choose this easy path without repenting of sin.You can live just like the world and do not have to live a holy life. Heb.12:14 says to make every effort to be holy ,for without holiness no man shall see the Lord. On the Broad Road you can be a church member,water baptized,make a profession of faith and carry all your suitcases of sin ,lust and worldly pleasures .You can have an outward form of godliness but you deny Him by the way you live. (2nd Tim.3:5) 4 THINGS TO KNOW ABOUT THE BROAD ROAD TO HELL ! 1.Its a Crowded Road- Matt.7:13...many there be which go thereat. It seems to be the right road,its roomy and its popular and you can live in sin on this road.Friend Jesus saves us from sin (Rom.6:22) and those who name the name of Christ depart from iniquity.(2 Tim.2:19) 2.Its a Downhill Road-Its the easy path ,going downhill takes no effort ! (Dead fish float downstream but it takes a live fish to swim against the currents) The moment you are truly saved you leave the Broad Road and you swim against the currents of a sinful culture on the Narrow Road.You reject the ways of the world and no longer follow the crowd.You are totally different now and you will be mocked because you are a new creation in Christ (2nd Cor.5:17) and you live godly (Titus 2:12). 3.Its a Deceptive Road-Most if not all do not know where this road is really leading them.Many think they are on their way to heaven but are deceived. They bear no fruit and show no signs of a true conversion to Christ ! (Eph.5:6)Let no man deceive you with vain words:for because of these things comes the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience. Few warn today to flee from the wrath to come. 4.Its a Fatal Road- (Prov.14:12)There is a way which seems right unto a man ,but the end thereof are the ways of death.The only way to get off this fatal road is to repent ,forsake the old life and surrender to Jesus.It frightens me to see a professed Christian , a person who says they are on the right road but their lives are still bound to self ,to sin and worldly pursuits !There is no self -denial, no dedication to Jesus , no love for the Word yet they are convinced they are true believers because of some long past decision to go to an altar to profess Christ. There is no evidence at all of being a New Creation in Christ.Plus it is dangerous for a preacher to tell you now you are saved.That is not biblical. 5.Today is the day of salvation ! Turn from sin and turn to Jesus who is the only Savior ! Cry out God be merciful to me a sinner ! Set me free from my sin ! (Titus 1:16)They profess that they know God , but in works they deny Him,being abominable ,and disobedient ,and unto every good work reprobate. WHICH ROAD ARE YOU ON TODAY?? Please my friends chose Jesus Christ. You can receive Christ right now. Remember that Jesus says, Im standing at the door and Im knocking. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in. Would you like to respond to his invitation? Heres how. If you dont know Jesus as your personal Savior just pray this simple pray and you will be saved The precise words you use to commit yourself to God are not important. He knows the intentions of your heart. If you are unsure of what to pray, this might help you put it into words: Jesus, I want to know you. I want you to come into my life. Thank you for dying on the cross for my sin so that I could be fully accepted by you. Only you can give me the power to change and become the person you created me to be. Thank you for forgiving me and giving me eternal life with God. I give my life to you. Please do with it as you wish. Amen. If you sincerely asked Jesus into your life just now, then he has come into your life as he promised. You have begun a personal relationship with God. What follows is a lifelong journey of change and growth as you get to know God better through Bible reading, prayer and interaction with other Christians. If you received Jesus Christ as your personal Savior today, comment Jesus is Lord to tell people you just accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior OR, to talk to someone on the phone about Jesus Call 1-800-NEED-HIM (1-800-633-3446) To talk to someone 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Feel free to add me as your friend. https://facebook/daniel.knupp.7
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 07:42:10 +0000

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