THEY TOOK MY MILLION Published:Friday, 2014/08/29 A FORMER - TopicsExpress


THEY TOOK MY MILLION Published:Friday, 2014/08/29 A FORMER soldier was fooled into giving almost R1 million to two bogus sangomas! The former SANDF sergeant is also being chased by four banks that want the money he owes them. The 46-year-old from KwaZakhele in Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape toldDaily Sunhe picked up a sangoma’s pamphlet from a street in Joburg. “While Dr Kiwa Nuku was healing me in his dark room in Heidelberg, Gauteng, he showed me a box full of R100 notes. “He said it was R4 million and that my ancestors wanted to give it to me. But I first had to go to the bank and get a loan for R230 000 and then he would double it.” The military man followed the orders. “He gave me muthi to wash with and two stones to put in my pocket when I went to four banks for loans. All the banks gave me money. “One Saturday night I met Nuku and two bank SMSes came to my phone, saying R1,9 million had been deposited into my accounts. The sangoma then told me to delete the SMSes because he didn’t want people to trace it. He also said I must not withdraw the money. “The next day he called and said he was having problems with my ancestors, who didn’t want to give me all the money. “He referred me to his friend in Cape Town, who is known as Professor. “Professor asked me to quit my job and withdraw all my pension money. I did so and got a pension payout of R762 000. “Professor asked me to go with him to a graveyard to look for the grave of a two-year-old baby. We laid wreaths there. “He said my ancestors would turn my money into R43 million and use the wreaths to bring it to my house. The money never arrived,” the man said. Daily Sunsaw one of his bank statements. It shows that R550 000 was withdrawn. Colonel Thembinkosi Kinana said a theft case was opened. “We went to the suspect’s place but he was no longer living there,” Kinana said.
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 11:06:27 +0000

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