#THE_FIVE_PILLARS_OF_ISLAM Islam is a religion that is built - TopicsExpress


#THE_FIVE_PILLARS_OF_ISLAM Islam is a religion that is built upon certain pillars, which are five in numbers. 1. TAUHEED( Monotheistic faith):- This is the first believe that brings someone into Islam by uttering the following wordings. ASH-HADU ANLAA ILAAHA ILLALLAAH WA ASH-HADU ANNA MUHAMMADAN RASOOLULLAAH (I testify that there is no deity worthy of worship, except Allah and I testify that Muhammad is a messenger of Allah). In the case where someone is accepting Islam from Christianity, he/she will add the following wordings. WA ASH-HADU ANNA EESA ABDULLAAHI WA RASOOLULLAAH (And I also testify that Jesus is a servant and a messenger of Allah). Once a non Muslim utter these wordings willingly, automatically he/she has become a Muslim. 2. SALAH (five daily prayers):- This is the second pillar in which every Muslim #must perform at its appointed time. Except for three categories of people:- i. An infant, until he/she attains puberty. ii. An insane person, until he/she gains sanity or unconscious person, till consciousness is attained or sleeping person, until he/she wakes up. iii. A menstruating woman or a woman undergoing postpartum bleeding, until she becomes pure (after taking ritual bath). Salah is an essential act of worship. Anyone who deliberately forfeits it(salah) has forfeited his/her deen. 3. AS-SAUM(Fasting):- This is an act of worship which every Muslim who attains the stage of puberty #must fast the complete month of Ramadan. Unless for some categories of people which sharia permits them not to fast. The duration of time for fasting in a day starts from AL-FIJR(predawn) to sunset. 4. ZAKKAAH (Charity):- This is an act of worship which a Muslim (who is able according to sharia) must give out a certain percentage of his/her wealth to the needy, once in a year. In order to alleviate poverty. 5. HAJJ(Pilgrimage):- This is an act of worship in which Muslims visit the Holy Land (Makkah) in the Islamic month of Dhul-Hijjah. In order to perform the hajj. For those who have the means. May Allah make them easy for us. #MK
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 15:58:58 +0000

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