THIS ARTICLE WAS DRAFTED AS A MOTION FOR THE MEMBERS OF PUBLIC ON THE SUBJECT OF ACK DIOCESE OF MBEERE-EFFECTIVE PASTORAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE ROLE IN BOTH MBEERE NORTH& SOUTH REGIONS. IT IS AN OPEN PAPER MEANT TO SURFACE DIVERSE CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE PUBLIC ON WHETHER IT IS A WELCOME IDEA TO SUB-DIVIDE THE DIOCESE INTO TWO BY THE NEXT TWO SYNODS FROM THE DATE OF WRITING. Dated in Seoul, Wednesday, 2014.03.12, AUTHOR - REV. KITHEKA J MUMO Dip.Th, B.D.; M.A.; PhD CANDIDATE ACK Mbeere Diocese was created on 1st July 1997 from the former diocese of Embu. The Founder father of the diocese was the Rt Rev Gideon G Ireri who was consecrated and enthroned to the episcopal See of Mbeere on 26th October 1997.The Bishop led the diocese for eleven years and he retired from the episcopacy the on 21st September 2008. The current Diocesan Bishop who became his successor for the See is the Rt Rev Moses M Nthukah who was Consecrated and enthroned on 12th October 2008.The diocese is now growing into maturity. It appears that the population of the Geography is becoming big since the creation of our diocese in 1997 a thing we are all proud about. The clergy and Church workers have developed their capacity for service, and the infrastructures are getting into place. I am very proud to belong to Mbeere Diocese, One as a Clergy and secondly as a native. It is now time to begin thinking about where this growth is leading us, and start developing our logic on reaching out to all parts of the diocese in terms of pastoral ministry and administration. When we were splitting the diocese of Embu to create Mbeere, there were some people who had different opinions and feelings that, Mbeere Diocese would not survive. But to their surprise, Mbeere Community as one district by then were able to give much support to their beloveth newly created diocese. By that time, we had a population of about 48,837 by 1998 statistics ,approx.19 clergy and a few canons as compared to recent statistics which could be close to 50,000 and 52 clergy by 2014. I was personally present at Ruvingaci river as we crossed over into our territory for the glory of God. It was a very colorful service which started from ST PAULS Cathedral of Embu. Today, Mbeere Diocese has trained more clergy than were trained in the Former Embu Diocese over the last 16 years of our existence as a diocese. We now have a good number of clergy who have attained Diplomas,Degrees,Masters and a few of them are now out pursuing their Doctoral Courses. In my own observation, if you look at where makutano parish is bondaring Muranga ,Machakos and kirinyaga and stretch the boundary all the way to Thuci River near Tharaka, move across so as to fall at the Seven folks at the extreme kiambere dam; you will realize that the diocese is big in terms of geography and population. When a clergy or a lay member of the church want service from a staff in Siakago and perhaps he/she comes from Karaba, he/she will have to go through Mwea town in Kirinyaga County and cross the border again into Embu. By the time he/she arrives at siakago it is already 12:00pm by EAT. If this person is attended at 2:00pm because we assume the staff was in lunch, and start travelling again to Karaba(or Kiambere for that matter), the reality (not most likely) is that the person will arrive at home at 7-8pm. Now, this personal view of the growth and demand for service is a logical thinking of every person who would like to see a growing and developing society. It is always healthy to risk when you are doing a positive criticism of systems of governance and leadership be it in the church or in the secular world. Now ,we have two districts; Mbeere North and Mbeere South. What is barring us start thinking about bringing services closer to the people? I mean, cant the people in the church see that Mbeere Diocese is grown? If Mbeere South headquoters are growing and established, cant ACK MBEERE SOUTH DIOCESE Grow in the same way? I would like to reserve my words on Mbeere politics when it comes to new developments, but cant we do it fairly and justly? I invite critiques,observations or recommendations on this review. NB. This review is a personal opinion and not a representation of any person or the Diocese of Mbeere.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 14:34:36 +0000

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