THIS IS AN END OF DAYS MESSAGE TO TRY AND HELP US ALL UNDERSTAND WHAT IS TAKING PLACE BEFORE OUR VERY EYES, WITH FIRE BALLS AND FINAL ANTICHRIST! IF WE LOOK UP THERE ARE NOT MANY STARS LEFT!!! Many are searching for the truth, but when it is shown to them, they either choose not to believe it, or they ignore it! Whether you watch video or not, at least read this message in regards to why there has been a mass increase of fireballs falling to the earth. The Holy Spirit bares witness with all things, and we are warned in scripture of what is happening now, would happened in the last days towards the end of the world! I will give scripture to show what is occurring. I pray many are blessed through this message to know we are truly living at the end of days before our Lords coming! We will start with who is causing this, which is the FINAL ANTICHRIST! Once again I am giving scripture to back all of this up. Take note the Goat is shown coming out of the west. KJV, Daniel chapter 8 VS 5-12 And I was considering, behold, an he GOAT came from the WEST on the FACE of the WHOLE EARTH, and touched not the ground: and the goat had a notable horn between his eyes. (note, not on part of the earth, but the whole earth!) And he came to the ram that had two horns, which I had seen standing before the river, and ran unto him with the FURY of his POWER. And I saw him come close unto the ram, and he was moved with choler against him, and smote the ram, and brake his TWO HORNS: and there was no POWER in the RAM to stand before him, but he cast him down to the ground, and stamped upon him: and there was NONE that could DELIVER the RAM out of his hand. Therefore the he GOAT waxed very great: and when he was STRONG, the great HORN was broken; and for it came up FOUR NOTABLE ONES toward the FOUR WINDS of HEAVEN. And out of one of them came forth a LITTLE HORN, which waxed exceeding great, toward the south, and toward the east, and toward the pleasant land. And it WAXED GREAT, even to the HOST of HEAVEN; and it CAST DOWN some of the HOST and of the STARS to the GROUND, and STAMPED UPON THEM. Yes, he magnified himself even to the prince of host, and by him the DAILY SACRIFICE was taken away, and the place of the SANCTUARY was CAST DOWN. (Note, It is very important to notice what is taking place here. There is a reason visions are given in parables and then the interpretation. We must see first what is going on in the spiritual in order to truly see what is going on in the physical. Here it is clearly noted that the FINAL ANTICHRIST that is filled with the POWER of SATAN will have the POWER to CAST DOWN some of the HOST of HEAVEN and the STARS to the GROUND! This relates to what people are calling FIRE BALLS falling from the heavens, which now is being seen a lot more around the world! Very important to understand what is taking place. Pray all things up and seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit through Jesus Christ. The Spirit of Truth will bear witness, to let us know if it is of God or not. We know that there is a strong battle against the true church of God, against the Christians and the Jews around the world, this is showing the daily sacrifice being taken away. We the church are the temple of God which are made by Him the HOLY SANCTUARY, which is CAST DOWN. In World War II 6 million Jews were murdered and 1.5 million Christians. Do your research, the truth is out there. We are repeating that time, but now it will be worse than ever! Lets skip to VS 19-25 for the rest of the interpretation.) VS 19 And he ( Archangel Gabriel his name is in VS 16) said, behold, I will make you KNOW what shall be in the LAST END of the INDIGNATION (anger, wrath): for at the TIME APPOINTED the END SHALL BE. The RAM which you saw having TWO HORNS are the kings of Media and PERSIA. And the rough GOAT is the king of Grecia: and the great horn that is between his eyes is the first king. (Note, do not miss he said THE END SHALL BE!) Now that being broken, where as four stood up for it, FOUR KINGDOMS shall STAND UP out of the NATION, but NOT in his power. (Note, We must remember a kingdom can stand for a beast, this being in relation to the final spirit of antichrist over a nation, also notice Gods word mentioned four kingdoms out of the NATION not nations, this antichrist is different from all the others, that came from the same evil spiritual nation.) And in the LATTER TIME of their kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full, a KING of FIERCE COUNTANCE, and UNDERSTANDING DARK SENTENCES, shall STAND UP. And his (antichrist) POWER shall be MIGHTY, but NOT BY HIS OWN POWER (by the power of Satan): and he (antichrist/beast) shall DESTROY wonderfully, and shall PROSPER, and PRACTISE, and shall DESTROY the mighty and the holy people. And through his policy (technology) also he shall cause CRAFT to PROSPER in his hand; and he (antichrist) shall MAGNIFY HIMSELF IN HIS HEART, and by PEACE shall DESTROY MANY: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but HE shall be BROKEN without HAND. (Note, Meaning he will be BROKEN not with the hand of men, but with the POWER of the GLORY of our LORDS RETURN and by the word of God) 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 VS 3 and 8 Let no man DECIEVE you by any means: for the day shall not come, except there come a falling away first (most of the world denies the truth of Jesus Christ, iniquity strongly abounding), and that man of sin be revealed, the SON of PERDITION; (perdition means final ruin). And then shall that WICKED be REVEALED, whom the LORD shall CONSUME with the SPIRIT of HIS MOUTH, and shall DESTROY with the BRIGHTNESS of HIS COMING: Amen Isaiah chapter 24 VS 1 BEHOLD, the LORD MAKES the EARTH EMPTY, and MAKES it WASTE, and TURNS it UPSIDE DOWN, and SCATTERS the INHABITANTS thereof. (Note, The earth has been turned upside down before noted in the old testament. This is a POLAR SHIFT, when the North and South POLE SHIFT PLACES. When the March 11, 2011 earthquake hit Japan, it was and 8.8 that shifted the earths axes. Look it up on youtube. 3 nuclear reactors fell into the Pacific ocean. Since then there has been mass deaths, of animals, sea life, etc.... all around the world! The earth is tilting more and more to the north. If we are blessed to see another sunrise, look, and see where the sun is rising. It should rise directly in the east. If you look outside in the morning we will notice it is rising almost directly towards the south! They are constantly changing the patterns for flight control.) The end is NEAR, along with the coming or our Holy Lord Jesus Christ! Praise our Lord God for he will destroy the evil darkness with His glorious powerful light, for we are the children of light. God is light, God is love. Amen and Amen.
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 00:43:38 +0000

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