THIS IS BRILLIANT! DO NOT FOR ONE SECOND THINK WE, THE PEOPLE, ARENT HAVING AN EFFECT. BELIEVE YOU ME, CEOS & DIRECTORS IN ZIONIST COMPANIES ARE CRYING OY GEVALT! Woe is me! 8 Billion & counting. Theyll never let us know though but I bet any money theyre trying to find ways of making it illegal to boycott Israeli products! Lets not just keep up the pressure; LETS TURN THE SCREWS! ................ Ads Against Apartheid (AAA) is going national with a their “ONE WORD” campaign, and not just in subways. Americans for the most part know very little about what is happening today in the Holy Land. Those who are aware wrongfully assume that this a conflict between two equal powers. The ONE WORD campaign has been a game changer in their ability to convey to Americans the devastating human rights abuses by the Israeli military and government against the Palestinian people. When these ads go national in the United States, Americans will start to understand the depth of the suffering Palestinians have endured under the Israeli military occupation. When Americans see Palestinians as human who suffer, whose children suffer, we know they will no longer be silent. - See more at: Ads Against Apartheid’ is going national - ALSO SHARE SHORT VIDEO Ads Against Apartheid (AAA) is going national with a their “ONE WORD” campaign, and not just in subways. Americans for the most part know very little about what is happening today in the Holy Land. Those who are aware wrongfully assume that this a conflict between two equal powers. The ONE WORD campaign has been a game changer in their ability to convey to Americans the devastating human rights abuses by the Israeli military and government against the Palestinian people. When these ads go national in the United States, Americans will start to understand the depth of the suffering Palestinians have endured under the Israeli military occupation. When Americans see Palestinians as human who suffer, whose children suffer, we know they will no longer be silent. - See more at:
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 17:05:32 +0000

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