THIS IS NOT MY DOG BUT A FRIENDS. THE DOG IS OK NOW AS THIS HAPPENED A COUPLE OF YEARS AGO. JUST POSTED IT TO REMIND PEOPLE ABOUT THE DAMAGE ONE SMALL TICK CAN DO. A few weeks ago I noticed Ruairidh had a tiny tick on his head, which was quickly removed and all the Bassets Frontlined the next day. A Couple of weeks later his head began to swell up above the eye, as the to point that within a day the lump was the size of an Egg. A visit to the vet and it was decided that he had been bit by something but a course of Anti Bis he would be fine. Had the Anti Bis and the swalling went down - However 2 weeks ago the swelling returned and the same thing again, Vet, Anti Bis and home, All but a Pea sized lump remained (which we thought would also go through time). Sunday I noticed the lump was swelling again and thought Here we go again, Vet tomorrow for you son! And settled them down for the night. Monday morning he emerged from his bed with his head 3 times the size it should have been, a lump the size of a watermelon (i am NOT exagerating!!) on his neck and one half of his face so swollen his left eyelid was down where his muzzle should be. Within the hour Ruairidh was having emergency surgery on his head, 3 pints of poison were removed and 2 taps put into his head to drain the rest. From Sunday evening to monday morning a humungous cist had taken over his head and neck completely. During the operation the vet noticed that the Tick bite had gone through the skin and penetrated the muscle underneath and poisoned the dog. Never before had any of the vets in the surgery seen such a size of swelling or so much poison - It was so bad that yesterday morning we were told to prepare for the worst. He has returned home to us this afternoon, still blind on one eye, head and neck still about twice the size it should be and he has the 2 taps still in his head with the poison still dripping out. He was very lucky - And all from a Tick that was in him for such a short period of time. He had another 10 day course of Anti Bis, the same ones as before (Metacalm and Synulox Pills) so hope fully this is the end of our horrible story - PLEASE DONT UNDERESTIMATE THE POISON A TICK CAN CARRY !! lOVE FROM RUAIRIDH XXX
Posted on: Sun, 06 Jul 2014 13:03:42 +0000

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