THIS IS THE SECRET TO TRULY EFFECTIVE RADIO ADVERTISING COPYWRITING (Attn: Severe Knee Pain Sufferers) Today Im determined not to do anything else before I write at least one finished radio commercial script for a severe knee pain treatment. Ive done my usual tons o research. Intellectually, I understand who the target audience is and how the advertised treatment can help. I can guess at the emotional underpinnings of knee pain sufferers…but at best, it can be only a good guess. I havent yet reached the point where I can say exactly what the targeted listener would say. So…. If you suffer from severe knee pain (probably caused by knee arthritis): * What does it feel like? * Is it always there? Do you wake up with it? Go to sleep with it? Are there certain times when it appears or becomes more evident? * How does it compare to other physical pains youve experienced? * How does the pain affect you emotionally? (A painful nuisance youve simply learned to live with? Depression? Hopelessness?) * Of all the things that have been limited by your condition, which are the three most depressing or upsetting to you? * What kinds of results did you get from whatever treatments youve had for the condition? How do you feel about those results? * Has anyone suggested that you get knee replacement surgery? If so, who? (Physician? Friend? Relative?) * How do you feel about the prospect of getting knee replacement surgery? * If youve been told you should get knee replacement surgery, what has prevented you from doing so? * Based on your experiences and/or what youve heard, do you believe any non-surgical treatment actually can help you? * Finish this sentence: Having severe knee pain all the time…. >> Obviously, most people who read this dont suffer severe knee pain. But if you ever write advertising copy, finding the answers these types of questions can help you with your work. >> If you DO suffer severe knee pain, Id appreciate your candid input here. Thanks
Posted on: Sat, 19 Oct 2013 21:42:50 +0000

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