THIS IS WHAT THE LORD ASKED ME TO SHARE WITH YOU CONCERNING THE BOOK OF ZECHARIAH 8 GIVEN TO ME ON THE 08/09/2014 TIME 03:00 AM: All those that has contributed in this topic in the morning, you are all blessed and highly favoured. Your contribution is highly appreciated and I learned much from your comments. Please read and share in order to receive the blessings in this chapter. IT IS ALL ABOUT HIS PROMISES UNTO US THE INHERITOR OF THE NEW JERUSALEM THE Lord is so jealous of us so jealous that it has become a shame that the church did not understand that love is what activate the jealousy. We are at the verge of pushing Gods love for us away, but because of what happened on the Cross thousands of years ago cannot be undone, He had no choice than applying long-suffering. IF WE CAN ONLY turn back to our real first love, He promised to return and dwell among us and will make us a faithful temple and abode with us in our new dwelling called Zion. In this body shall Holy Mountain be built. Verses 2,3 If we can only hearken to His voice this day, we shall inherit old age once again, the days of Abraham will return. If we can only obey His commandments and keep His statutes, joy will be filled in the bossom of our youth and old says the Lord. We will not live in fear once again. He will contend with everything that contend with us. He will securely bring us back to safety from abroad where we are serving strange gods now. Or Dont you know that worshiping with these lovers of money pastors is dwelling in strange Land and worshiping foreign gods and that makes our God burn with jealousy? HOW CAN WE SING LORDS SONG IN A STRANGE LAND? Do you know that no time is too late to turn to Him? Today, He is calling you to turn back to Him and save Him the jealous pain as He promise to be faithful and righteous to us as our God. Verses 4-8 How do we make our hands strong in order to rebuild the temple as Hezekiah did in his days before pride came into Him and caused him to allowed strange gods from Lebanon to made away with Gods precious gift to His own seeds? Rebuilding the temple is mandatory and compulsory but need dead flesh, motified body; because strong foundation as the old is required to build a dwelling for Shekinah glory. Before we were wondering about in the wilderness and were handed over to the enemy because of our rebelliousness. But now He has turned back to restore us, if we can hearken to Him this day. He promised us seizure of barreness, increase in our vineyards, security in all ramifications, abundance of crops and unending dew from heaven, including showers of Heaven. Only if we could relocate that first love which is God and walk in the principles and Kingdom values which is His sons precepts. All these promises are for us who abide in the secret place of His and His remnants, and it shall be for an unending period. Safety is guaranteed as we make our hands strong in rebuilding these temples which is our bodies. Verse 9-13 He promised us forgiveness as we walk in full repentance, and also guaranteed us no more destruction as in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah. He is a merciful God especially unto those that walk not according to the flesh but according to the spirit. To inherit or enjoy all these promises, he has given us guideline to follow; 1) SPEAK THE TRUTH TO EACHOTHER (tell your pastor that it is not right to leave their wives and messing with choir members, tell them when money and occultism is taken over the church of God, speak out to save yourself eternal condemnation) 2) RENDER SOUND JUDGMENT TO EACHOTHER IN YOUR COURTS. (help the less privileges, apply love over the widows, downtrodden, forsaken, prisoners and all that are defenceless and motherless shall your alms be stretching unto constantly.) 3) DO NOT PLOT EVIL AGAINST EACH OTHER. (Ahithophel counsel to naive wives should seize in the body of Christ. Many women trust their Pastors to tell them everything going on in their homes and many pastors take advantage to abuse those naive ones and at the end of it all destroy the marriage ordained by God, false witnesses must not exist in the body of Christ anymore) 4) DO NOT SWEAR FALSELY. (using Gods Name in vain is unacceptable by God, infact He hates it. Take Heed brethren) Verses 14-17 LET US LOVE TRUTH AND PEACE FOR IT IS THE KEY THAT OPEN THE DOOR OF GRACE AND GLORIOUS ENTRANCE WILL BE USHERED. If these judgement is properly executed in the church of Christ, all men both pagan, unbelievers, Muslim, Hindus will run to our God and seek refuge under His shadow. If we become the Bible the world are reading, the light of the world and the salt of the earth, it is guaranteed that those that persecute us shall return to seek refuge under our tabernacles and will surely serve the God of Abraham God of Isaac and the God of Israel, they will also say as the 450 prophets of BAAL and Jezebel said in the days of Elijah and they will follow us to serve our God whose Name is called the CREATOR THAT WAS NOT CREATED. I have written as He bids me and make sure you share this for it is not by my power but by the spirit of the Lord it was written. God bless you all that read and share. Brother Christian Chukwuka 20:04 08/09/2014
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 19:24:23 +0000

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