THIS WAS COPIED FROM THE PARANORMAL POST: Waverly Hills Sanatorium Who can say what kind of devilish creatures may be lurking in the many abandoned wards and forsaken beds that were once occupied by the many ill-fated, handicapped people? Located in Louisville, Kentucky is one of the most cadaverous healthcare facilities of the world that will give you the nastiest of nightmares! This now inoperative tuberculosis hospital has now been made into a famous tourist destination due to its spookiness. The Waverly Hills property originally belonged to Major Thomas H. Hays who had purchased it in 1883. To provide for a nice little school for his daughters to study, Major Hays built up a single room school at the Pagas Lane that was nearer to his house then the other faraway academies. Major Hays employed Ms. Lizzie Lee Harris to teach his daughters at his private school. Ms. Harris had a liking for the Waverly Novels by Walter Scott and therefore decided to name the school as the Waverly School. Major Hays found the name so pleasing that he decided to name his entire property as the Waverly Hills (God knows what was so pleasing about the name!) The Board of Tuberculosis Hospital didnt alter the name when they came in possession of the property to open a sanatorium specifically for availing suitable conditions required for the treatment of tuberculosis patients. In the early 1900s, TB had taken the form of an epidemic and the shortage of vacancy to accommodate such a vast number of patients lead to the proposal for the creation of such a special facility. The Hills was a beautiful and enchanting place, surrounded by hills on all sides, an environment that could provide a perfect place for TB patients to rest and get well. The Waverly Hospital was constructed originally as a two-story building that was capable of holding not more than 40-50 patients, but expansions took place and the building contained five floors prior to being permanently closed in June 1961. In 1962, a new nursing home called the Woodhaven Medical Services sprang up in its place to provide healthcare facilities to aging patients and mentally handicapped people. However, this nursing home was closed in the yer 1982 due to improper caring of the patients. The Waverly Hills Sanatorium has earned its reputation as one of the most spiritually active places in the world. The hospitals old staff as well as the curious tourists who have been to that ghoulish place claim to have met with queer paranormal phenomena that are simply beyond explanation, such as voices without a source, doors being shut on their own, lights being lit automatically without electricity, strange figures appearing at the casements, spooky shadow people, a sudden decrease in temperature at certain places (often called cold spots) and so on. The main entrance to the Waverly Hills Sanatorium is haunted by the ghost of an old lady who has been described to appear with her arms and legs fettered and blood oozing through her wrists and ankles as she gives out awful screams and makes desperate petitions for help. The ghost of a little girl playing with her favorite ball is said to linger in the third floor of the Waverly Hills Sanatorium. The girl sometimes urges a visitor to play hide and seek with her. Some people say that they have heard the sound of a ball bouncing on the third floor, while others affirm that they have seen the complete apparition of the girl. The girl has also been spotted gazing through the windows of the third floor of the sanatorium. In the year 1928, the head nurse of the Waverly hospital had committed suicide by hanging herself to death from the light fixture in the room 502. This 29-year-old lady is rumored to have been unmarried and pregnant, which probably lead to her tragic fate. Another nurse who worked in the same room had killed herself by plunging off the balcony on a particular day in 1932, the reasons behind which are yet unclear. The floor in which the room is situated is said to be haunted by the ghost of a female nurse. People who have been to the room 502 of the Waverly Hills Sanatorium have reported to have had an uncanny feeling and some of them have even heard an angry voice shouting at them to get out. A 500-feet long tunnel from the first floor of the sanatorium to the bottom of the hill was once constructed to provide for an easy transport route for the staff as well as the hospitals supplies. However, when death-rates due to TB started increasing, the tunnel found its use as a secret passage for transferring the bodies of the deceased to the hearses that awaited them at the foot of the hill. I used the word secret because the whole thing was performed in the absence of the knowledge of the patients to prevent the feelings of despair and panic in their already troubled minds. The tunnel is said to be haunted by several spirits who often produce strange voices in the chute. The Kitchen and The Cafe part of the Waverly Hills Sanatorium is visited by the ghostly apparition of a man dressed completely in white who is said to be the spirit of an employee who died of tuberculosis. Although the kitchen and the cafe are abandoned since 1982, the smell of fresh food is often perceived from the area. The fourth floor is frequented by shadow people and is often subjected to poltergeist activities such as doors slamming shut on their own. It is regarded as the most haunted place in the whole hospital. There is really undeniable evidence of the places ghastliness. A research conducted by the Ghost Hunters television show as well as the shows called Ghost Adventures and Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files received ample substantial evidence of the place being haunted. The abnormal death-rate of patients throughout the history of the hospital that can be estimated at around eight thousand has lead to an abnormally large number of legends regarding the Waverly Hills Sanatorium.
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 05:25:52 +0000

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