TIPS TO REBOOT YOUR FAMILIES EATING HABITS Half of what our children eat is supposed to be fruits and vegetables... Not hot dogs, not hamburgers, not chicken nuggets, but asparagus, apples, bananas, broccoli, pumpkin, Brussels sprouts, bananas and other whole foods that come straight from the earth, I am getting alot of feedback from people that say they are struggling to get good whole foods and earth grown nutrients into their families. If your children are like most then they probably prefer eating food in one color — and it’s not orange or green. So how do you get your kids to eat more fruit and vegetables? Here’s 12 tricks that you could try to use to reboot your family, just remember dont give in or give up I repetitively placed the same vegetable or fruit in front of my children over and over again until they ate it, there is a few exceptions of course and children are allowed to not like one or two things but once that list becomes 8,9 or 10 things its more about re training them and teaching them to like it. My daughter was very stubborn on some things but now is the best little eater ever, things that she use to refuse to try like tomatoes, cucumber and carrots have become her favourite after school snacks it took a bit of work but I am a firm believer in This is what I have prepared for dinner, this is what your body needs to fuel it and this is all that is available if you dont eat it then put it on the bench and if you are hungry later then that is all there is before bed nothing else at all whatsoever just remember children are born with no knowledge whatsoever about food choices so if you have a baby start off how you mean to continue start feeding them the way you would be happy for them to eat at age 7 or 8 the longer you leave it the harder it is, however if you have decided now that you want to reboot them it is definitely not impossible dont get me wrong it just takes a bit more work but it can be done for sure for you are the parent and you and only you are their source of food for survival so you chose what they eat and not them.... 12 Tips to reboot 1.) Start them young. Babies aren’t isn’t biased about what foods they will or will not like. Studies have shown that eating fruits and vegetables while a baby is in utero can familiarize the little one to the flavor. Whether this effect transfers significantly to all babies, those greens are certainly good for both mother and baby! 2.) Toss raisins, nuts, apples and other foods your children enjoy into your salads and sauteed greens. 3.) Puree or finely chop greens to cook with sauces and soups. 4.) Add produce to smoothies. A frozen banana delivers sweetness and a handful of blueberries can hide the bright green color if your kids are skeptical. And of course, go ahead and add a handful of spinach! 5.) Plant a vegetable garden. Allow your children to choose which vegetables to grow, and encourage them to plant, water, weed and harvest the produce. They will be much more interested in eating food they have grown themselves. 6.) Appoint your child in charge of dinner. Once a week, your child can be head chef! The meal should be healthy and include at least one vegetable but why not go for two? The child can be empowered to go from there. 7.) Educate your children. If they understand that veggies like greens give them added nutrients and will help them learn and do better in school, and play better on the soccer field, they might start to ask for broccoli at dinner. 8.) Make up cute names. Marketers do this, so why shouldn’t you? Carrots can be “Orange Fries” and broccoli can be “ Trees”. You’ll be surprised how much more appealing that sounds to kids! 9.) Lead by example. If you don’t eat spinach, neither will the kids! Load up on the healthy foods in front of them and let them know how much you enjoy what you’re eating and why. 10.) Give every fruit and veggie a fun description. Talk to them about shapes, colors, flavors of different vegetables and how and where they grow. 11.) Kids are great shopping buddies. Bring them to the farmer’s market and let them choose a vegetable or two that they would like to try. 12.) No child is too young to be a sous chef! Invite your kids into the kitchen to help prepare the vegetables they picked out. Have fun cooking veggies by treating it like a science experiment: try roasting, mashing and steaming for different textures and discuss how changing the cooking method changes the flavor and texture of each veggie. If anyone would like to add to these then please share with us and comment below, I have many many more ideas but this is just a little reminder of some things you could try.
Posted on: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 05:37:51 +0000

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